Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- PerceptualDiff - An image comparison utility
- Perlbal - Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
- Pixie - 3D renderer Renderman compliant
- Pixie-devel - Development files for Pixie
- Pixie-docs - Documentation for Pixie
- PolicyKit - Toolkit for privilege control
- PolicyKit-devel - Headers and libraries for PolicyKit
- PolicyKit-docs - Documentation for PolicyKit
- PolicyKit-gnome - GNOME dialogs for PolicyKit
- PolicyKit-gnome-demo - Demo application for PolicyKit-gnome
- Pound - Reverse proxy and load balancer
- PyKDE - Python bindings for KDE
- PyKDE-devel - PyKDE SIP files
- PyOpenGL - Python bindings for OpenGL
- PyOpenGL-Tk - PyOpenGL OpenGL Tk widget
- PyOpenGL-doc - Documentation files for PyOpenGL
- PyQt - Python bindings for Qt
- PyQt-devel - Files needed to build other bindings based on Qt
- PyQt-examples - Examples for PyQt
- PyQt-qscintilla - PyQt qscintilla extentions
- PyQt-qscintilla-devel - Libraries and header files for PyQt-qscintilla development
- PyQt4 - Python bindings for Qt4
- PyQt4-devel - Files needed to build other bindings based on Qt4
- PyRTF - Rich Text Format (RTF) Document Generation in Python
- PyX - Python graphics package
- PyXML - XML libraries for python.
- Pyrex - A compiler/language for writing Python extension modules.
- PythonCAD - Python scriptable CAD package
- p0f - Versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool
- p0rn-comfort - Support programs for browsing image-gallery sites
- p7zip - Very high compression ratio file archiver
- p7zip-plugins - Additional plugins for p7zip
- pachi - Pachi El Marciano - Platform Game
- padevchooser - Control applet for PulseAudio
- paktype-fonts - Fonts for Arabic from PakType
- pam - A security tool which provides authentication for applications
- pam-devel - Files needed for developing PAM-aware applications and modules for PAM
- pam_abl - A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for auto blacklisting
- pam_ccreds - Pam module to cache login credentials
- pam_keyring - A PAM module that execute gnome-keyring-daemon and unlock the default keyring
- pam_krb5 - A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5.
- pam_mount - A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
- pam_passwdqc - Pluggable password quality-control module.
- pam_pkcs11 - PKCS #11/NSS PAM login module
- pam_smb - A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for use with SMB servers.
- pam_ssh - PAM module for use with SSH keys and ssh-agent
- paman - Management tool for PulseAudio
- pan - A GNOME/GTK+ news reader for X
- panelfm - Quick File Manager Applet
- pango - System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
- pango-devel - System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
- paprefs - Management tool for PulseAudio
- paps - Plain Text to PostScript converter
- papyrus - Papyrus is a C++ canvas library similar to the Gnome canvas
- papyrus-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use papyrus
- par2cmdline - PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool
- paragui - Graphical User Interface based on SDL
- paragui-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use paragui
- paragui-python - Python bindings for paragui
- paraview - Parallel visualization application
- paraview-data - Data files for ParaView
- paraview-devel - Development files for ParaView
- paraview-mpi - Parallel visualization application
- paraview-mpi-devel - Development files for the mpi version of ParaView
- pari - Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra System
- pari-devel - Header files and libraries for PARI development
- pari-emacs - Emacs mode for PARI/GP
- pari-gp - PARI calculator
- parted - The GNU disk partition manipulation program
- parted-devel - Files for developing apps which will manipulate disk partitions
- passivetex - Macros to process XSL formatting objects.
- passwd - The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAM
- pastebin - A collaborative debugging tool
- patch - The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files
- patchutils - A collection of programs for manipulating patch files
- patchy - The patchy utilities
- patchy-gfortran - The patchy utilities
- pavucontrol - Volume control for PulseAudio
- pavumeter - Volume meter for PulseAudio
- paw - A program for the analysis and presentation of data
- paw-gfortran - A program for the analysis and presentation of data
- pax - POSIX File System Archiver
- pbm2l2030 - Converts PBM stream to Lexmark 2030 printer language
- pbm2l7k - Converts PBM stream to Lexmark 7000, 7200 and 5700 printer language
- pbstop - Full-screen curses monitor for PBS
- pbzip2 - Parallel implementation of bzip2
- pcb - An interactive printed circuit board editor
- pciutils - PCI bus related utilities
- pciutils-devel - Linux PCI development library
- pcmanx-gtk2 - Telnet client designed for BBS browsing
- pcmciautils - PCMCIA utilities and initialization programs
- pcre - Perl-compatible regular expression library
- pcre-devel - Development files for pcre
- pcsc-lite - PC/SC Lite smart card framework and applications
- pcsc-lite-devel - PC/SC Lite development files
- pcsc-lite-doc - PC/SC Lite developer documentation
- pcsc-lite-libs - PC/SC Lite libraries
- pcsc-lite-openct - OpenCT PC/SC Lite driver
- pcsc-perl - Perl interface to the PC/SC smart card library
- pcsc-tools - Tools to be used with smart cards and PC/SC
- pdfcube - PDF presentation viewer with a spinning cube
- pdfedit - A complete pdf document editing solution
- pdfjam - Utilities for join, rotate and align PDFs
- pdftohtml - PDF to HTML converter
- pdns - A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver
- pdns-backend-geo - Geo backend for pdns
- pdns-backend-ldap - LDAP backend for pdns
- pdns-backend-mysql - MySQL backend for pdns
- pdns-backend-pipe - Pipe backend for pdns
- pdns-backend-postgresql - PostgreSQL backend for pdns
- pdns-backend-sqlite - SQLite backend for pdns
- pdns-recursor - Modern, advanced and high performance recursing/non authoritative nameserver
- pdsh - Parallel remote shell program
- pdsh-mod-dshgroup - Provides dsh-style group file support for pdsh
- pdsh-mod-netgroup - Provides netgroup support for pdsh
- pdsh-rcmd-rsh - Provides bsd rcmd capability to pdsh
- pdsh-rcmd-ssh - Provides ssh rcmd capability to pdsh
- pekwm - The Pek Window Manager
- penguin-command - Open source arcade game
- pengupop - Networked Game in the vein of Move/Puzzle Bobble
- perl - The Perl programming language
- perl-Ace - Perl module for interfacing with ACE bioinformatics databases
- perl-Acme-Damn - Unbless Perl objects
- perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix - Perl extension for converting from infix notation to postfix notation
- perl-Algorithm-Annotate - Represent a series of changes in annotate form
- perl-Algorithm-C3 - Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
- perl-Algorithm-Dependency - Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency trees
- perl-Algorithm-Diff - Algorithm::Diff Perl module
- perl-Alien-wxWidgets - Building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
- perl-AnyData - Easy access to data in many formats
- perl-Apache-DBI - Persistent database connections with Apache/mod_perl
- perl-Apache-LogRegex - Parse a line from an Apache logfile into a hash
- perl-Apache-Session - Persistence framework for session data
- perl-Apache-Session-Wrapper - A simple wrapper around Apache::Session
- perl-App-CLI - Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
- perl-AppConfig - Perl module for reading configuration files
- perl-Archive-Any - Single interface to deal with file archives
- perl-Archive-Extract - Generic archive extracting mechanism
- perl-Archive-Tar - A module for Perl manipulation of .tar files
- perl-Archive-Zip - Perl library for accessing Zip archives
- perl-Array-Compare - Perl extension for comparing arrays
- perl-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO - Perl extension for using the cfitsio library
- perl-Authen-DigestMD5 - SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication (RFC2831)
- perl-Authen-PAM - Authen::PAM Perl module
- perl-Authen-Radius - Perl Authen::Radius modules
- perl-Authen-SASL - SASL Authentication framework for Perl
- perl-AutoClass - Automatically define classes and objects for Perl
- perl-B-Keywords - Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
- perl-BSD-Resource - BSD process resource limit and priority functions
- perl-BerkeleyDB - Perl extension for Berkeley DB version 2, 3 or 4
- perl-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene - Regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez Gene
- perl-Bit-Vector - Efficient bit vector, set of integers and "big int" math library
- perl-Boulder - An API for hierarchical tag/value structures
- perl-Business-Hours - Calculate business hours in a time period
- perl-CGI-Ajax - Perl-specific system for writing Asynchronous web applications
- perl-CGI-Ex - CGI utility suite - makes powerful application writing fun and easy
- perl-CGI-FastTemplate - Perl extension for managing templates and performing variable interpolation
- perl-CGI-FormBuilder - Easily generate and process stateful forms
- perl-CGI-Prototype - Create a CGI application by subclassing
- perl-CGI-Session - Persistent session data in CGI applications
- perl-CGI-Simple - Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant
- perl-CGI-Untaint - Process CGI input parameters
- perl-CGI-Untaint-date - Validate a date
- perl-CGI-Untaint-email - Validate an email address
- perl-CPAN - Query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
- perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo - CPAN::DistnameInfo Perl module
- perl-CPANPLUS - API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrors
- perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build - Module::Build extension for CPANPLUS
- perl-CSS-Tiny - Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible
- perl-Cache - The Cache interface
- perl-Cache-Cache - Generic cache interface and implementations
- perl-Cache-Mmap - Shared data cache using memory mapped files
- perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry - A lightweight cache with timed expiration
- perl-Cairo - Perl interface to the cairo library
- perl-Calendar-Simple - Perl extension to create simple calendars
- perl-Callback - Object interface for function callbacks
- perl-Carp-Assert - Executable comments
- perl-Carp-Assert-More - Convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert
- perl-Carp-Clan - Report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" of modules
- perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView - Sensible default end action for view renders
- perl-Catalyst-Devel - Catalyst Development Tools
- perl-Catalyst-Manual - Catalyst web framework manual
- perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader - Load config files of various types
- perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple - Make serving static pages painless
- perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest - Make subrequests to actions in Catalyst
- perl-Catalyst-Runtime - Catalyst core modules
- perl-Cflow - Find flows in raw IP flow files
- perl-Chart - Perl module for producing many types of charts
- perl-Chatbot-Eliza - Implementation of the Eliza algorithm
- perl-Class-Accessor - Automated accessor generation
- perl-Class-Accessor-Chained - Make chained accessors
- perl-Class-Autouse - Run-time class loading on first method call
- perl-Class-Base - Useful base class for deriving other modules
- perl-Class-C3 - Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm
- perl-Class-C3-XS - XS speedups for Class::C3
- perl-Class-Container - Class::Container Perl module
- perl-Class-DBI - Simple Database Abstraction
- perl-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch - Abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract
- perl-Class-DBI-AsForm - Produce HTML form elements for database columns
- perl-Class-DBI-FromCGI - Update Class::DBI data using CGI::Untaint
- perl-Class-DBI-Loader - Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
- perl-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship - Easier relationship specification in CDBI::L
- perl-Class-DBI-Pager - Pager utility for Class::DBI
- perl-Class-DBI-Pg - Class::DBI extension for PostgreSQL
- perl-Class-DBI-Plugin - Abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins
- perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll - More complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI
- perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type - Determine type information for columns
- perl-Class-DBI-SQLite - Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
- perl-Class-DBI-mysql - Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
- perl-Class-Data-Accessor - Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation
- perl-Class-Data-Inheritable - Inheritable, overridable class data
- perl-Class-Date - Class for easy date and time manipulation
- perl-Class-ErrorHandler - Class::ErrorHandler Perl module
- perl-Class-Factory - Base class for dynamic factory classes
- perl-Class-Factory-Util - Provide utility methods for factory classes
- perl-Class-Gomor - Another class and object builder
- perl-Class-InsideOut - A safe, simple inside-out object construction kit
- perl-Class-Inspector - Get information about a class and its structure
- perl-Class-Loader - Load modules and create objects on demand
- perl-Class-MOP - Metaobject programming model for Perl
- perl-Class-MakeMethods - Generate common types of methods
- perl-Class-MethodMaker - Perl module for creating generic object-oriented methods
- perl-Class-Observable - Allow other classes and objects to respond to events in yours
- perl-Class-Prototyped - Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl
- perl-Class-ReturnValue - Class::ReturnValue Perl module
- perl-Class-Singleton - Implementation of a "Singleton" class
- perl-Class-Std - Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
- perl-Class-Trigger - Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers
- perl-Class-Whitehole - Base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
- perl-Clone - Recursively copy perl datatypes
- perl-Compress-Bzip2 - Interface to Bzip2 compression library
- perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 - Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
- perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib - Low-Level Interface to the zlib compression library
- perl-Compress-Zlib - A module providing Perl interfaces to the zlib compression library
- perl-Config-Any - Load configuration from different file formats, transparently
- perl-Config-General - Generic configuration module for Perl
- perl-Config-IniFiles - A module for reading .ini-style configuration files
- perl-Config-IniHash - Perl extension for reading and writing INI files
- perl-Config-Record - Perl module for Configuration file access
- perl-Config-Tiny - Perl module for reading and writing .ini style configuration files
- perl-ConfigReader - Read directives from a configuration file
- perl-Contextual-Return - Create context-senstive return values
- perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour - Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages
- perl-Convert-ASN1 - ASN.1 Encode/Decode library
- perl-Convert-BinHex - Macintosh BinHex extractor library for Perl
- perl-Convert-Binary-C - Binary data conversion using C types
- perl-Convert-PEM - Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
- perl-Convert-TNEF - Perl module to read TNEF files
- perl-Convert-UUlib - Perl interface to the uulib library
- perl-Crypt-Blowfish - XS Blowfish implementation for Perl
- perl-Crypt-CBC - Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
- perl-Crypt-DES - Perl DES encryption module
- perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3 - Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption module
- perl-Crypt-DH - Perl module implementing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
- perl-Crypt-DSA - Perl module for DSA signatures and key generation
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES - Perl interface to OpenSSL for AES
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum - Perl interface to OpenSSL for Bignum
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA - Perl interface to OpenSSL for DSA
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS10 - Perl interface to OpenSSL for PKCS10
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA - Perl interface to OpenSSL for RSA
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random - Perl interface to OpenSSL for Random
- perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509 - Perl interface to OpenSSL for X509
- perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5 - Provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions
- perl-Crypt-Primes - Provable prime number generator for cryptographic applications
- perl-Crypt-RSA - RSA public-key cryptosystem
- perl-Crypt-Random - Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator
- perl-Crypt-SSLeay - Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
- perl-Crypt-Simple - Encrypt stuff simply
- perl-Crypt-SmbHash - Pure-perl Lanman and NT MD4 hash functions
- perl-Curses - Perl bindings for ncurses
- perl-DBD-AnyData - DBI access to XML, CSV and other formats
- perl-DBD-CSV - DBI driver for CSV files
- perl-DBD-Mock - Mock database driver for testing
- perl-DBD-MySQL - A MySQL interface for perl
- perl-DBD-Pg - A PostgreSQL interface for perl
- perl-DBD-SQLite - Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver
- perl-DBD-SQLite2 - Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver (sqlite 2.x)
- perl-DBD-XBase - Perl module for reading and writing the dbf files
- perl-DBI - A database access API for perl
- perl-DBIx-ContextualFetch - Add contextual fetches to DBI
- perl-DBIx-DBSchema - Database-independent schema objects
- perl-DBIx-POS - Define a dictionary of SQL statements in a POD dialect (POS)
- perl-DBIx-SQLite-Simple - Easy access to SQLite databases using objects
- perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder - Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
- perl-DBM-Deep - A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM
- perl-Danga-Socket - Event loop and event-driven async socket base class
- perl-Data-Alias - Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
- perl-Data-Buffer - Read/write buffer class for perl
- perl-Data-Compare - Compare perl data structures
- perl-Data-Dump - Pretty printing of data structures
- perl-Data-HexDump - Hexadecial Dumper
- perl-Data-Hierarchy - Handle data in a hierarchical structure
- perl-Data-OptList - Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
- perl-Data-Page - Help when paging through sets of results
- perl-Data-Password - Perl extension for assesing password quality
- perl-Data-Stag - Perl package for Structured Tags datastructures
- perl-Data-Structure-Util - Change nature of data within a structure
- perl-Data-Visitor - Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
- perl-Date-Calc - A module for extended and efficient date calculations in Perl
- perl-Date-Pcalc - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- perl-Date-Simple - Simple date object for perl
- perl-DateManip - A Perl module containing a wide variety of date manipulation routines
- perl-DateTime - Date and time objects
- perl-DateTime-Event-ICal - Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences
- perl-DateTime-Event-Recurrence - DateTime::Set extension for create basic recurrence sets
- perl-DateTime-Format-Builder - Create DateTime parser classes and objects
- perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP - HTTP protocol date conversion routines
- perl-DateTime-Format-IBeat - Format times in .beat notation
- perl-DateTime-Format-ICal - Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
- perl-DateTime-Format-Mail - Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
- perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL - Parse and format MySQL dates and times
- perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime - Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
- perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF - Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
- perl-DateTime-Set - Datetime sets and set math
- perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple - Declarative Validation of Data Structures
- perl-Devel-Caller - Meatier versions of caller
- perl-Devel-Cover - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- perl-Devel-Cycle - Find memory cycles in objects
- perl-Devel-Leak - Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
- perl-Devel-Profiler - Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp
- perl-Devel-Size - Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
- perl-Devel-StackTrace - Perl module implementing stack trace and stack trace frame objects
- perl-Devel-Symdump - A Perl module for inspecting Perl's symbol table
- perl-Device-SerialPort - Linux/POSIX emulation of Win32::SerialPort functions
- perl-Digest-BubbleBabble - Create bubble-babble fingerprints
- perl-Digest-CRC - Generic CRC functions
- perl-Digest-HMAC - Digest-HMAC Perl module
- perl-Digest-MD2 - Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
- perl-Digest-MD4 - Perl interface to the MD4 Algorithm
- perl-Digest-Nilsimsa - Perl interface to the Nilsima Algorithm
- perl-Digest-SHA - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
- perl-Digest-SHA1 - Digest-SHA1 Perl module
- perl-Email-Abstract - Unified interface to mail representations
- perl-Email-Address - RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
- perl-Email-Date - Find and format date headers
- perl-Email-MIME - Easy MIME message parsing
- perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper - Strip the attachments from a mail message
- perl-Email-MIME-ContentType - Parse a MIME Content-Type Header
- perl-Email-MIME-Creator - Email::MIME constructor for starting anew
- perl-Email-MIME-Encodings - Unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
- perl-Email-MIME-Modifier - Modify Email::MIME Objects Easily
- perl-Email-MessageID - Generate world unique message-ids
- perl-Email-Reply - Reply to an email message
- perl-Email-Send - Module for sending email
- perl-Email-Simple - Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
- perl-Email-Simple-Creator - Email::Simple constructor for starting anew
- perl-Email-Valid - Check validity of internet email address
- perl-Error - Error Perl module
- perl-Event - Event loop processing
- perl-Exception-Class - Exception::Class Perl module
- perl-Expect - Expect for Perl
- perl-Expect-Simple - Wrapper around the Expect module
- perl-Exporter-Lite - Lightweight exporting of variables
- perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall - Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
- perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
- perl-ExtUtils-Depends - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
- perl-ExtUtils-Embed - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
- perl-ExtUtils-F77 - Simple interface to F77 libs
- perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker - Create a module Makefile
- perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage - Allows perl modules to check test coverage with Devel::Cover
- perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS - Module and a script for converting Perl XS code into C code
- perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig - Simplistic interface to pkg-config
- perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder - Modules that parse C header files and create XS glue code
- perl-Feed-Find - Syndication feed auto-discovery
- perl-File-BOM - Utilities for handling Byte Order Marks
- perl-File-BaseDir - Use the freedesktop basedir spec
- perl-File-Copy-Recursive - Extension for recursively copying files and directories
- perl-File-DesktopEntry - Object to handle .desktop files
- perl-File-ExtAttr - Perl extension for accessing extended attributes of files
- perl-File-Fetch - Generic file fetching mechanism
- perl-File-Find-Rule - Perl module implementing an alternative interface to File::Find
- perl-File-Find-Rule-PPI - Add support for PPI queries to File::Find::Rule
- perl-File-Flat - Implements a flat filesystem
- perl-File-HomeDir - Get the home directory for yourself or other users
- perl-File-MMagic - A Perl module emulating the file(1) command
- perl-File-MMagic-XS - Guess file type with XS
- perl-File-MimeInfo - Determine file type and open application
- perl-File-Modified - Checks intelligently if files have changed
- perl-File-NCopy - Copy files to directories, or a single file to another file
- perl-File-NFSLock - Perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
- perl-File-Next - File::Next Perl module
- perl-File-ReadBackwards - File::ReadBackwards Perl module
- perl-File-Remove - Convenience module for removing files and directories
- perl-File-RsyncP - A perl implementation of an Rsync client
- perl-File-Slurp - Efficient Reading/Writing of Complete Files
- perl-File-Sync - Perl access to fsync() and sync() function calls
- perl-File-Tail - Perl extension for reading from continously updated files
- perl-File-Type - Determine file type using magic
- perl-File-Which - Portable implementation of the 'which' utility
- perl-File-chdir - A more sensible way to change directories
- perl-File-chmod - Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
- perl-FileHandle-Fmode - FileHandle::Fmode Perl module
- perl-FileHandle-Unget - A FileHandle that supports ungetting of multiple bytes
- perl-Finance-Quote - A Perl module that retrieves stock and mutual fund quotes
- perl-Finance-YahooQuote - Perl interface to get stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance
- perl-Font-AFM - Perl interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
- perl-Font-TTF - Perl library for modifying TTF font files
- perl-FreezeThaw - Convert Perl structures to strings and back
- perl-Frontier-RPC - A Perl interface for making and serving XML-RPC calls
- perl-GD - Perl interface to the GD graphics library
- perl-GD-Barcode - Create barcode image with GD
- perl-GD-SVG - GD::SVG enables SVG output from scripts written using GD
- perl-GDGraph - Graph generation package for Perl
- perl-GDGraph3d - 3D graph generation package for Perl
- perl-GDTextUtil - Text utilities for use with GD
- perl-GPS - Perl interface to a GPS receiver that implements the Garmin protocol
- perl-GPS-PRN - Package for PRN - Object ID conversions
- perl-GSSAPI - Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
- perl-GStreamer - Perl bindings to the GStreamer framework
- perl-GTop - Perl interface to libgtop
- perl-Gearman - Distributed job system
- perl-Gearman-Client-Async - Asynchronous Client for the Gearman distributed job system
- perl-Gearman-Server - Function call "router" and load balancer
- perl-Geo-Constants - Standard Geo:: constants
- perl-Geo-Ellipsoids - Standard Geo:: ellipsoids
- perl-Geo-Forward - Calculate geographic location from lat, lon, distance, and heading
- perl-Geo-Functions - Standard Geo:: functions
- perl-Geo-IP - Efficient Perl bindings for the GeoIP location database
- perl-Geo-Inverse - Calculate geographic distance from a lat & lon pair
- perl-Geo-METAR - Perl module for accessing aviation weather information
- perl-Geography-Countries - 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries
- perl-Git - Perl interface to Git
- perl-Glib - Perl interface to GLib
- perl-Gnome2-Canvas - An engine for structured graphics in Gnome2
- perl-Gnome2-GConf - Perl wrappers for the GConf configuration engine
- perl-Gnome2-Print - Perl wrappers for the Gnome Print utilities
- perl-Gnome2-VFS - Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library
- perl-GnuPG-Interface - Perl interface to GnuPG
- perl-Graph - Perl module for dealing with graphs, the abstract data structures
- perl-GraphViz - Interface to the GraphViz graphing tool
- perl-Graphics-ColorNames - Defines RGB values for common color names
- perl-Gtk2 - Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library
- perl-Gtk2-Ex-CalendarButton - Gtk2::Ex::CalendarButton Perl module
- perl-Gtk2-Ex-Carp - GTK+ friendly die() and warn() functions
- perl-Gtk2-Ex-Dialogs - Useful tools for Gnome2/Gtk2 Perl GUI design
- perl-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer - A Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old Documentation (POD)
- perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List - Simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list widget
- perl-Gtk2-Ex-Utils - Extra Gtk2 Utilities for working with Gnome2/Gtk2 in Perl
- perl-Gtk2-GladeXML - Create user interfaces directly from Glade XML files
- perl-Gtk2-Notify - Perl interface to libnotify
- perl-Gtk2-Sexy - Perl interface to the sexy widget collection
- perl-Gtk2-Spell - Gtk2::Spell perl module
- perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon - Perl interface to the EggTrayIcon library
- perl-HTML-Encoding - Determine the encoding of HTML/XML/XHTML documents
- perl-HTML-Format - HTML formatter modules
- perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks - HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
- perl-HTML-Mason - Powerful Perl-based web site development and delivery engine
- perl-HTML-Parser - Perl module for parsing HTML
- perl-HTML-Scrubber - Library for scrubbing/sanitizing html
- perl-HTML-Table - Create HTML tables using simple interface
- perl-HTML-TableExtract - A Perl module for extracting content in HTML tables
- perl-HTML-Tagset - HTML::Tagset - data tables useful in parsing HTML
- perl-HTML-Template - Perl module to use HTML Templates
- perl-HTML-Template-Expr - Expression support extension for HTML::Template
- perl-HTML-Tree - HTML tree handling modules for Perl
- perl-HTTP-Body - HTTP Body Parser
- perl-HTTP-BrowserDetect - Determine the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
- perl-HTTP-DAV - WebDAV client library for Perl5
- perl-HTTP-Proxy - A pure Perl HTTP proxy
- perl-HTTP-Recorder - Record interaction with web sites
- perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI - Setup a CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request
- perl-HTTP-Request-Params - Retrieve GET/POST Parameters from HTTP Requests
- perl-HTTP-Server-Simple - Very simple standalone HTTP daemon
- perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason - HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason Perl module
- perl-Hash-Case - Base class for hashes with key-casing requirements
- perl-Hash-WithDefaults - Class for hashes with key-casing requirements supporting defaults
- perl-Heap - Perl extension for keeping data partially sorted
- perl-Hook-LexWrap - Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
- perl-IO-AIO - Asynchronous Input/Output
- perl-IO-All - IO::All Perl module
- perl-IO-Capture - Abstract Base Class to build modules to capture output
- perl-IO-CaptureOutput - Capture STDOUT/STDERR from subprocesses and XS/C modules
- perl-IO-Compress-Base - Base Class for IO::Compress modules
- perl-IO-Compress-Bzip2 - Perl interface to allow reading and writing of bzip2 data
- perl-IO-Compress-Zlib - Perl interface to allow reading and writing of gzip and zip data
- perl-IO-Digest - Calculate digests while reading or writing
- perl-IO-Interface - Perl extension for accessing network card configuration information
- perl-IO-LockedFile - Something
- perl-IO-Multiplex - IO-Multiplex module for perl
- perl-IO-Null - Class for null filehandles
- perl-IO-Prompt - Interactively prompt for user input
- perl-IO-Socket-INET6 - Perl Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
- perl-IO-Socket-SSL - Perl library for transparent SSL
- perl-IO-String - Emulate file interface for in-core strings
- perl-IO-Tty - Perl interface to pseudo tty's
- perl-IO-Zlib - Perl IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
- perl-IO-stringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays for Perl
- perl-IPC-Cmd - Finding and running system commands made easy
- perl-IPC-Run - Perl module for interacting with child processes
- perl-IPC-Run3 - Run a subprocess in batch mode (a la system) on Unix, Win32, etc
- perl-IPC-ShareLite - Light-weight interface to shared memory
- perl-IPC-Shareable - Share Perl variables between processes
- perl-IPC-SharedCache - Perl module to manage a cache in SysV IPC shared memory
- perl-Ima-DBI - Database connection caching and organization
- perl-Image-Base - Base class for loading, manipulating and saving images in Perl
- perl-Image-ExifTool - Utility for reading and writing image meta info
- perl-Image-Info - Image meta information extraction module for Perl
- perl-Image-Math-Constrain - Scaling math used in image size constraining (such as thumbnails)
- perl-Image-Size - Determine the size of images in several common formats in Perl
- perl-Image-Xbm - Load, create, manipulate and save xbm image files in Perl
- perl-Image-Xpm - Load, create, manipulate and save xpm image files in Perl
- perl-Imager - Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images
- perl-Inline - Inline Perl module
- perl-JSON - Parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- perl-JSON-XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
- perl-Jcode - Perl extension interface for converting Japanese text
- perl-Kwiki - Kwiki Wiki Building Framework
- perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs - Kwiki Page Archival Using RCS
- perl-Kwiki-Attachments - Kwiki Page Attachments Plugin
- perl-Kwiki-Diff - Display differences between the current wiki page and older revisions
- perl-Kwiki-ModPerl - Enable Kwiki to work under mod_perl
- perl-Kwiki-NewPage - Kwiki New Page Plugin
- perl-Kwiki-Raw - Provide an action to retrieve the raw wikitext of a page
- perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges - Kwiki Recent Changes Plugin
- perl-Kwiki-Revisions - Kwiki Revisions Plugin
- perl-Kwiki-Search - Kwiki Search Plugin
- perl-Kwiki-UserName - Kwiki User Name Plugin
- perl-Kwiki-UserPreferences - Kwiki User Preferences Plugin
- perl-Kwiki-Users-Remote - Automatically set Kwiki user name from HTTP authentication
- perl-LDAP - LDAP Perl module
- perl-LWP-Authen-Wsse - Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
- perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect - Convert singular to plural, select "a" or "an"
- perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number - Force number of words to singular or plural
- perl-List-Compare - Compare elements of two or more lists
- perl-List-MoreUtils - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy - Maketext from already interpolated strings
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon - Extract translatable strings from source
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple - Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
- perl-Locale-SubCountry - ISO 3166-2 two letter subcountry codes
- perl-LockFile-Simple - Simple file locking scheme
- perl-Log-Dispatch - Dispatches messages to one or more outputs
- perl-Log-Dispatch-Config - Log4j for Perl
- perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate - Log to files that archive/rotate themselves
- perl-Log-Log4perl - Log4j implementation for Perl
- perl-Log-Message - Generic message storage mechanism
- perl-Log-Message-Simple - Simplified frontend to Log::Message
- perl-MARC-Record - Object-oriented abstraction of MARC record handling
- perl-MD5 - Perl interface to the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
- perl-MIME-Lite - MIME::Lite - low-calorie MIME generator
- perl-MIME-Types - MIME types module for Perl
- perl-MIME-tools - Modules for parsing and creating MIME entities in Perl
- perl-MLDBM - Store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash
- perl-MP3-Info - Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files
- perl-Mail-Alias - Module for manipulating e-mail alias files
- perl-Mail-Box - Manage a mailbox, a folder with messages
- perl-Mail-Box-Parser-C - Parsing folders for MailBox with C routines
- perl-Mail-GnuPG - Process email with GPG
- perl-Mail-IMAPClient - An IMAP Client API
- perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser - A fast and simple mbox folder reader
- perl-Mail-RFC822-Address - Perl extension for validating email addresses according to RFC822
- perl-Mail-SPF - Object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
- perl-Mail-SPF-Query - Query Sender Policy Framework
- perl-Mail-Sender - Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server
- perl-Mail-Sendmail - Simple platform independent mailer for Perl
- perl-Mail-Transport-Dbx - Parse Outlook Express mailboxes
- perl-MailTools - Various mail-related perl modules
- perl-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks - Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest
- perl-Math-Base85 - Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
- perl-Math-Derivative - Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
- perl-Math-GMP - High speed arbitrary size integer math
- perl-Math-Pari - Perl interface to PARI
- perl-Math-Random-MT-Auto - Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
- perl-Math-Round - Perl extension for rounding numbers
- perl-Math-Spline - Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
- perl-Math-Vec - Perl Math::Vec module
- perl-Maypole - MVC web application framework
- perl-Module-Build - Perl module for building and installing Perl modules
- perl-Module-Compile - Perl Module Compilation
- perl-Module-CoreList - Perl core modules indexed by perl versions
- perl-Module-Depends - Identify the dependencies of a distribution
- perl-Module-Find - Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category
- perl-Module-Info - Information about Perl modules
- perl-Module-Install - Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
- perl-Module-Load - Runtime require of both modules and files
- perl-Module-Load-Conditional - Looking up module information / loading at runtime
- perl-Module-Loaded - Mark modules as loaded or unloaded
- perl-Module-Locate - Locate modules in the same fashion as "require" and "use"
- perl-Module-Pluggable - Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
- perl-Module-Refresh - Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
- perl-Module-ScanDeps - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
- perl-Module-Signature - CPAN signature management utilities and modules
- perl-Module-Starter - A simple starter kit for any module
- perl-Module-Starter-PBP - Create a module as recommended in "Perl Best Practices"
- perl-Module-Versions-Report - Report versions of all modules in memory
- perl-MogileFS-Client - Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system
- perl-MogileFS-Utils - Utilities for MogileFS
- perl-Moose - Complete modern object system for Perl 5
- perl-Moose-Policy - Police your project/company-wide Moose policies
- perl-MooseX-Getopt - Moose role for processing command line options
- perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable - Make your Moose classes pluggable
- perl-MooseX-Params-Validate - Extension of Params::Validate using Moose's types
- perl-Mozilla-LDAP - LDAP Perl module that wraps the Mozilla C SDK
- perl-NKF - Perl extension for Network Kanji Filter
- perl-Net-CIDR-Lite - Net::CIDR::Lite Perl module
- perl-Net-CUPS - Perl bindings to the CUPS C API Interface
- perl-Net-DBus - Use and provide DBus services
- perl-Net-DNS - DNS resolver modules for Perl
- perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable - Programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
- perl-Net-DNS-SEC - DNSSEC modules for Perl
- perl-Net-Domain-TLD - Work with TLD names
- perl-Net-GPSD - Provides an object client interface to the gpsd server daemon
- perl-Net-IP - Perl module for manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
- perl-Net-IP-CMatch - Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges with C
- perl-Net-IPv4Addr - Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses
- perl-Net-IPv6Addr - Perl module to check validity of IPv6 addresses
- perl-Net-IRC - Perl interface to the Internet Relay Chat protocol
- perl-Net-Jabber - Net::Jabber - Jabber Perl Library
- perl-Net-LibIDN - Perl bindings for GNU LibIDN
- perl-Net-Libdnet - Perl interface to libdnet
- perl-Net-Netmask - Perl module for manipulation and lookup of IP network blocks
- perl-Net-Packet - A framework to easily send and receive frames from layer 2 to layer 7
- perl-Net-Patricia - Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
- perl-Net-Pcap - Interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library
- perl-Net-SCP - Perl extension for secure copy protocol
- perl-Net-SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol client
- perl-Net-SNMP - Object oriented interface to SNMP
- perl-Net-SNPP - Perl modules for the Simple Network Pager Protocol
- perl-Net-SSH - Perl extension for secure shell
- perl-Net-SSH-Perl - SSH (Secure Shell) client
- perl-Net-SSLeay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
- perl-Net-Server - Extensible, general Perl server engine
- perl-Net-Telnet - Net-Telnet Perl module
- perl-Net-Write - A portable interface to open and send raw data to network
- perl-Net-XMPP - Net::XMPP - perl XMPP library
- perl-NetAddr-IP - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
- perl-Newt - Perl bindings for the Newt library
- perl-Nmap-Parser - Parse nmap scan data with perl
- perl-Number-Compare - Perl module for numeric comparisons
- perl-OLE-Storage_Lite - Simple Class for OLE document interface
- perl-Object-Accessor - Perl module that allows per object accessors
- perl-Object-InsideOut - Comprehensive inside-out object support module
- perl-Object-Realize-Later - Delayed creation of objects
- perl-OpenFrame - Framework for network enabled applications
- perl-PAR-Dist - Toolkit for creating and manipulating Perl PAR distributions
- perl-PBS - Perl binding for the Portable Batch System client library
- perl-PDF-API2 - Perl module for creation and modification of PDF files
- perl-PDL - The Perl Data Language
- perl-POE - POE - portable multitasking and networking framework for Perl
- perl-POE-API-Peek - Peek into the internals of a running POE environment
- perl-POE-Component-Child - Child management component for POE
- perl-POE-Component-Client-DNS - Non-blocking/concurrent DNS queries using Net::DNS and POE
- perl-POE-Component-Client-HTTP - A non-blocking/parallel web requests engine for POE
- perl-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive - Manages and keeps alive client connections
- perl-POE-Component-Client-LDAP - Async LDAP access for POE
- perl-POE-Component-DBIAgent - POE Component for running asynchronous DBI calls
- perl-POE-Component-IRC - A POE component for building IRC clients
- perl-POE-Component-JobQueue - Process a large number of tasks with a finite number of workers
- perl-POE-Component-Logger - A POE logging class
- perl-POE-Component-SNMP - POE interface to Net::SNMP
- perl-POE-Component-SSLify - Makes using SSL in the world of POE easy!
- perl-POE-Component-Server-HTTP - Foundation of a POE HTTP Daemon
- perl-POE-Component-Server-SOAP - Publish POE event handlers via SOAP over HTTP
- perl-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP - Serve HTTP requests in POE
- perl-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC - Publish POE event handlers via XMLRPC over HTTP
- perl-POE-Component-SimpleDBI - Asynchronous non-blocking DBI calls in POE made simple
- perl-POE-Component-SimpleLog - A simple logging system for POE
- perl-POE-Filter-IRCD - A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
- perl-POE-Filter-Zlib - POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
- perl-POE-Wheel-Null - POE Wheel that does puts data nowhere, and sends nothing
- perl-PPI - Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl
- perl-PPI-HTML - Generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
- perl-PPI-Tester - A wxPerl-based interactive PPI debugger/tester
- perl-Package-Constants - List all constants declared in a package
- perl-Package-Generator - Generate new packages quickly and easily
- perl-PadWalker - Play with other peoples' lexical variables
- perl-Params-CallbackRequest - Functional and object-oriented callback architecture
- perl-Params-Check - Generic input parsing/checking mechanism
- perl-Params-Coerce - Allows your classes to do coercion of parameters
- perl-Params-Util - Simple standalone param-checking functions
- perl-Params-Validate - Params-Validate Perl module
- perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages - Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz
- perl-Parse-RecDescent - Parse-RecDescent Perl module
- perl-Parse-Yapp - Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
- perl-PatchReader - Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
- perl-Path-Class - Cross-platform path specification manipulation
- perl-Perl-Critic - Critique Perl source code for best-practices
- perl-Perl6-Bible - Perl 6 Design Documentations
- perl-PerlIO-eol - PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
- perl-PerlIO-via-dynamic - Dynamic PerlIO layers
- perl-PerlIO-via-symlink - PerlIO layers for create symlinks
- perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders - Perlbal extension for processing HTTP headers
- perl-Pipeline - Generic pipeline interface
- perl-Pod-Coverage - Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
- perl-Pod-Escapes - Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences
- perl-Pod-POM - Object-oriented interface to Perl POD documents
- perl-Pod-Readme - Convert POD to README file
- perl-Pod-Simple - Framework for parsing POD documentation
- perl-Pod-Spell - A formatter for spellchecking Pod
- perl-Pod-Strip - Remove POD from Perl code
- perl-Pod-Tests - Extract embedded tests and code examples from POD
- perl-PostScript - PostScript Perl module
- perl-Proc-Daemon - Run Perl program as a daemon process
- perl-Proc-ProcessTable - Perl extension to access the unix process table
- perl-Pugs-Compiler-Rule - Compiler for Perl 6 Rules
- perl-RPM-Specfile - Perl extension for creating RPM specfiles
- perl-RPM2 - Perl bindings for the RPM Package Manager API
- perl-RRD-Simple - Simple interface to create and store data in RRD files
- perl-Razor-Agent - Use a Razor catalogue server to filter spam messages
- perl-Readonly - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- perl-Readonly-XS - Companion module for Readonly
- perl-Regexp-Common - Regexp::Common Perl module
- perl-Regexp-Shellish - Shell-like regular expressions
- perl-Return-Value - Polymorphic Return Values
- perl-SDL - SDL bindings for the Perl language
- perl-SGML-Parser-OpenSP - Perl interface to the OpenSP SGML and XML parser
- perl-SGMLSpm - Perl library for parsing the output of nsgmls
- perl-SNMP_Session - SNMP support for Perl 5
- perl-SOAP-Lite - Client and server side SOAP implementation
- perl-SQL-Abstract - Generate SQL from Perl data structures
- perl-SQL-Abstract-Limit - Portable LIMIT Emulation
- perl-SQL-Library - Manage libraries of SQL easily
- perl-SQL-Statement - SQL parsing and processing engine
- perl-SUPER - Sane superclass method dispatcher
- perl-SVG - An extension to generate stand-alone or inline SGV
- perl-SVG-Graph - Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format
- perl-SVK - A Distributed Version Control System
- perl-SVN-Mirror - Mirror remote repository to local Subversion repository
- perl-SVN-Simple - A simple interface for writing a delta editor
- perl-Scalar-Properties - Run-time properties on scalar variables
- perl-Set-Infinite - Sets of intervals
- perl-Set-IntSpan - Perl module for managing sets of integers
- perl-Set-Scalar - Basic set operations
- perl-Smart-Comments - Comments that do more than just sit there
- perl-Socket6 - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
- perl-Sort-Versions - Perl module for sorting of revision-like numbers
- perl-Spiffy - Framework for doing object oriented (OO) programming in Perl
- perl-Spoon - Spiffy Application Building Framework
- perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel - Get information from an Excel file
- perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel - Write formatted text and numbers to a cross-platform Excel binary file
- perl-Statistics-Descriptive - Perl module of basic descriptive statistical functions
- perl-String-Approx - Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching)
- perl-String-CRC32 - Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
- perl-String-Format - Sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions
- perl-String-ShellQuote - Perl module for quoting strings for passing through the shell
- perl-Sub-Exporter - Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
- perl-Sub-Identify - Retrieve names of code references
- perl-Sub-Install - Install subroutines into packages easily
- perl-Sub-Name - Name -- or rename -- a sub
- perl-Sub-Uplevel - Run a perl function in an upper stack frame
- perl-Sys-SigAction - Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
- perl-Sys-Syscall - Access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to
- perl-Taint-Runtime - Runtime enable taint checking
- perl-TeX-Hyphen - Hyphenate words using TeX's patterns
- perl-Template-GD - GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit
- perl-Template-Plugin-Class - Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes
- perl-Template-Toolkit - Template processing system
- perl-Template-Toolkit-examples - Examples of how to use Template Toolkit
- perl-Term-ProgressBar - Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
- perl-Term-ReadPassword - Asking the user for a password
- perl-Term-UI - Term::ReadLine UI made easy
- perl-TermReadKey - A perl module for simple terminal control
- perl-Test-AutoBuild - Framework for performing continuous, unattended, automated software builds
- perl-Test-AutoBuild-account - User account and directory structure for running builder
- perl-Test-AutoBuild-cvs - CVS source repository integration for autobuild engine
- perl-Test-AutoBuild-mercurial - Mercurial source repository integration for autobuild engine
- perl-Test-AutoBuild-perforce - Perforce source repository integration for autobuild engine
- perl-Test-AutoBuild-subversion - Subversion source repository integration for autobuild engine
- perl-Test-AutoBuild-svk - SVK source repository integration for autobuild engine
- perl-Test-AutoBuild-tla - GNU Arch source repository integration for autobuild engine
- perl-Test-Base - Data Driven Testing Framework
- perl-Test-Class - Easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style
- perl-Test-ClassAPI - Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
- perl-Test-Cmd - Perl module for portable testing of commands and scripts
- perl-Test-Deep - Extremely flexible deep comparison
- perl-Test-Differences - Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
- perl-Test-Distribution - Perform tests on all modules of a distribution
- perl-Test-Exception - Library of test functions for exception based Perl code
- perl-Test-Expect - Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs
- perl-Test-File - Test file attributes
- perl-Test-File-Contents - Test routines for examining the contents of files
- perl-Test-Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- perl-Test-Inline - Test::Inline Perl module
- perl-Test-LongString - Perl module to test long strings
- perl-Test-Manifest - Test case module for Perl
- perl-Test-Memory-Cycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
- perl-Test-MockModule - Override subroutines in a module for unit testing
- perl-Test-MockObject - Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
- perl-Test-NoWarnings - Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing
- perl-Test-Number-Delta - Compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance
- perl-Test-Object - Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
- perl-Test-Output - Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
- perl-Test-Perl-Critic - Use Perl::Critic in test programs
- perl-Test-Pod - Perl module for checking for POD errors in files
- perl-Test-Pod-Coverage - Check for pod coverage in your distribution
- perl-Test-Portability-Files - Check file names portability
- perl-Test-Prereq - Check if Makefile.PL has the right pre-requisites
- perl-Test-Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
- perl-Test-Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests
- perl-Test-Spelling - Check for spelling errors in POD files
- perl-Test-SubCalls - Track the number of times subs are called
- perl-Test-Taint - Tools to test taintedness
- perl-Test-Tester - Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
- perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize - Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
- perl-Test-Warn - Perl extension to test methods for warnings
- perl-Test-use-ok - Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
- perl-Text-ASCIITable - Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters
- perl-Text-Aspell - Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library
- perl-Text-Autoformat - Automatic text wrapping and reformatting
- perl-Text-CHM - Perl extension for handling MS Compiled HtmlHelp Files
- perl-Text-CSV_XS - Comma-separated values manipulation routines
- perl-Text-CharWidth - Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
- perl-Text-Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
- perl-Text-Diff-HTML - XHTML format for Text::Diff::Unified
- perl-Text-Glob - Perl module to match globbing patterns against text
- perl-Text-Iconv - Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
- perl-Text-Kakasi - Kakasi library module for perl
- perl-Text-Levenshtein - Implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
- perl-Text-LevenshteinXS - XS implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
- perl-Text-Markdown - A text-to-HTML filter
- perl-Text-Quoted - Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
- perl-Text-RecordParser - Read record-oriented files
- perl-Text-Reform - Manual text wrapping and reformatting
- perl-Text-Shellwords - A thin wrapper around the shellwords.pl package
- perl-Text-SimpleTable - Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables
- perl-Text-TabularDisplay - Display text in formatted table output
- perl-Text-Template - Expand template text with embedded Perl
- perl-Text-Tree - Format a simple tree of strings into a textual tree graph
- perl-Text-Unidecode - US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
- perl-Text-WikiFormat - Translate Wiki formatted text into other formats
- perl-Text-WordDiff - Track changes between documents
- perl-Text-WrapI18N - Line wrapping with support for several locale setups
- perl-Text-Wrapper - Simple word wrapping perl module
- perl-Tie-DBI - Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
- perl-Tie-EncryptedHash - Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields
- perl-Tie-IxHash - Ordered associative arrays for Perl
- perl-Time-Duration - Time-Duration - rounded or exact English expression of durations
- perl-Time-Period - A Perl module to deal with time periods
- perl-Time-Piece - Time objects from localtime and gmtime
- perl-Time-Piece-MySQL - MySQL-specific methods for Time::Piece
- perl-Time-modules - Perl modules for parsing dates and times
- perl-TimeDate - A Perl module for time and date manipulation
- perl-Tk - Perl Graphical User Interface ToolKit
- perl-Tree-DAG_Node - Class for representing nodes in a tree
- perl-Tree-Simple - Tree::Simple Perl module
- perl-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory - Factory object for dispensing Visitor objects
- perl-UNIVERSAL-can - Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
- perl-UNIVERSAL-exports - Lightweight, universal exporting of variables
- perl-UNIVERSAL-isa - Hack around module authors using UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
- perl-UNIVERSAL-moniker - Real world naming for classes
- perl-UNIVERSAL-require - Require() modules from a variable
- perl-URI - A Perl module implementing URI parsing and manipulation
- perl-URI-Fetch - Smart URI fetching/caching
- perl-Unicode-Map - Perl module for mapping charsets from and to utf16 unicode
- perl-Unicode-Map8 - Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode for Perl
- perl-Unicode-MapUTF8 - Conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
- perl-Unicode-String - Perl modules to handle various Unicode issues
- perl-Unix-Statgrab - Perl extension for collecting information about the machine
- perl-Unix-Syslog - Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
- perl-User-Identity - Maintains info about a physical person
- perl-WWW-Babelfish - Perl extension for translation via Babelfish or Google
- perl-WWW-Bugzilla - Handles submission/update of bugzilla bugs via WWW::Mechanize
- perl-WWW-Mechanize - Automates web page form & link interaction
- perl-WWW-Myspace - Access your myspace.com profile in Perl!
- perl-Want - Perl module implementing a generalisation of wantarray
- perl-Workflow - Simple, flexible system to implement workflows
- perl-Wx - Interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
- perl-X11-Protocol - X11-Protocol - Raw interface to X Window System servers
- perl-XML-DOM - DOM extension to XML::Parser
- perl-XML-DOM-XPath - Perl extension to add XPath support to XML::DOM, using XML::XPath engine
- perl-XML-Dumper - Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
- perl-XML-Filter-BufferText - Filter to put all characters() in one event
- perl-XML-Filter-XInclude - XInclude as a SAX Filter
- perl-XML-Grove - Simple access to infoset of parsed XML, HTML, or SGML instances
- perl-XML-LibXML - XML-LibXML Perl module
- perl-XML-LibXML-Common - XML-LibXML-Common Perl module
- perl-XML-LibXSLT - Perl module for interfacing to GNOME's libxslt
- perl-XML-NamespaceSupport - A simple generic namespace support class
- perl-XML-Parser - A low level Perl module for parsing XML either via trees or streaming
- perl-XML-RSS - Perl module for managing RDF Site Summary (RSS) files
- perl-XML-RegExp - Regular expressions for XML tokens
- perl-XML-SAX - XML-SAX Perl module
- perl-XML-SAX-Writer - SAX2 Writer
- perl-XML-Simple - Easy API to maintain XML in Perl
- perl-XML-Stream - XML::Stream - streaming XML library
- perl-XML-Twig - A perl module for processing huge XML documents in tree mode
- perl-XML-Validator-Schema - Validate XML against a subset of W3C XML Schema
- perl-XML-Writer - A simple Perl module for writing XML documents
- perl-XML-XPath - XPath parser and evaluator for Perl
- perl-XML-XPathEngine - Re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
- perl-XML-XQL - Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
- perl-YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm)
- perl-YAML-Parser-Syck - Perl Wrapper for the YAML Parser Extension: libsyck
- perl-YAML-Syck - Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
- perl-YAML-Tiny - Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible
- perl-aliased - Use shorter versions of class names
- perl-bioperl - Perl tools for computational molecular biology
- perl-bioperl-run - Modules to provide a Perl interface to various bioinformatics applications
- perl-capitalization - No capitalization on method names
- perl-clearsilver - Perl interface to the ClearSilver HTML templating system
- perl-core - Base perl metapackage
- perl-devel - Header files for use in perl development
- perl-ekg2 - Perl scripting plugin for ekg2
- perl-eperl - Embedded Perl Language
- perl-gettext - Interface to gettext family of functions
- perl-libapreq2 - Perl interface to the Apache HTTP request library
- perl-libintl - Internationalization library for Perl, compatible with gettext
- perl-libs - The libraries for the perl runtime
- perl-libwhisker2 - Perl module geared specificly for HTTP testing
- perl-libwww-perl - A Perl interface to the World-Wide Web
- perl-libxml-perl - A collection of Perl modules for working with XML
- perl-mecab - Perl binding for MeCab
- perl-obexftp - Perl library to access devices via the OBEX protocol
- perl-perlmenu - Perl library module for curses-based menus & data-entry templates
- perl-pmtools - A suite of small programs to help manage Perl modules
- perl-prefork - Optimized module loading for forking or non-forking processes
- perl-suidperl - Suidperl, for use with setuid perl scripts
- perl-udunits - Perl module for udunits
- perl-version - Perl extension for Version Objects
- perltidy - Tool for indenting and reformatting Perl scripts
- pessulus - A lockdown editor for GNOME
- petitboot - Graphical kexec-based bootloader, originally for PlayStation 3
- pexpect - Pure Python Expect-like module
- pfqueue - Queue manager for the Postfix/Exim Mail Transport Agents
- pgadmin3 - Graphical client for PostgreSQL
- pgfouine - PgFouine PostgreSQL log analyzer
- pgp-tools - Collection of several utilities related to OpenPGP
- pguiman - The PostgreSQL database server managing tool
- pharosc - VLSI and ASIC Technology Standard Cell Libraries
- pharosc-alliance - VLSI and ASIC Standard Cell Libraries for alliance
- pharosc-alliance-devel - Alliance Development files for the pharosc
- pharosc-doc - Documentation for VLSI and ASIC Standard Cell Libraries
- pharosc-magic - VLSI and ASIC Standard Cell Libraries for Magic
- pharosc-magic-devel - Magic Development files for the pharosc
- pharosc-synopsys - VLSI and ASIC Standard Cell Libraries for Synopsis
- pharosc-xcircuit - VLSI and ASIC Standard Cell Libraries for XCircuit
- php - The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language
- php-Smarty - Template/Presentation Framework for PHP
- php-adodb - Active Data Objects Data Base
- php-bcmath - A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath library
- php-channel-phing - Adds phing channel to PEAR
- php-channel-phpdb - Adds phpdb channel to PEAR
- php-channel-phpunit - Adds phpunit channel to PEAR
- php-cli - Command-line interface for PHP
- php-common - Common files for PHP
- php-dba - A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications
- php-devel - Files needed for building PHP extensions
- php-eaccelerator - PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cacher
- php-embedded - PHP library for embedding in applications
- php-gd - A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
- php-idn - PHP API for GNU LibIDN
- php-imap - A module for PHP applications that use IMAP
- php-ldap - A module for PHP applications that use LDAP
- php-magickwand - PHP API for ImageMagick
- php-magpierss - MagpieRSS is an RSS parser written in PHP
- php-manual-en - Documentation for the PHP programming language
- php-mapserver - PHP/Mapscript map making extensions to PHP
- php-mbstring - A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
- php-mcrypt - Standard PHP module provides mcrypt library support
- php-mhash - Standard PHP module provides mhash support
- php-mssql - MSSQL database module for PHP
- php-mysql - A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
- php-ncurses - A module for PHP applications for using ncurses interfaces
- php-odbc - A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases
- php-pdo - A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
- php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
- php-pear-Auth-SASL - PEAR: Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
- php-pear-Benchmark - Framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls
- php-pear-Cache - Framework for caching of arbitrary data
- php-pear-Console-Color - Easily use ANSI console colours from PHP applications
- php-pear-Console-Getargs - Command-line arguments and parameters parser
- php-pear-Console-Table - Class that makes it easy to build console style tables
- php-pear-Crypt-CHAP - Class to generate CHAP packets
- php-pear-DB - PEAR: Database Abstraction Layer
- php-pear-DB-DataObject - An SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables
- php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder - Automatically build HTML_QuickForm objects
- php-pear-DB-QueryTool - An OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB
- php-pear-Date - Date and Time Zone Classes
- php-pear-Date-Holidays - Driver based class to calculate holidays
- php-pear-File - Common file and directory routines
- php-pear-File-Passwd - Manipulate many kinds of password files
- php-pear-File-SMBPasswd - Class for managing SAMBA style password files
- php-pear-HTML-Common - Base class for other HTML classes
- php-pear-HTML-QuickForm - Class for creating, validating, processing HTML forms
- php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-ElementGrid - Meta-element which holds any other element in a grid
- php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-advmultiselect - Element for HTML_QuickForm that emulate a multi-select
- php-pear-HTML-Table - Class to easily design HTML tables
- php-pear-HTTP - Miscellaneous HTTP utilities
- php-pear-HTTP-Request - Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
- php-pear-Image-Canvas - Common interface to image drawing
- php-pear-Image-Color - Manage and handles color data and conversions
- php-pear-Image-Graph - Displays numerical data as a graph/chart/plot
- php-pear-Image-Graph-roman - Numbers_Roman extension
- php-pear-Image-Graph-words - Numbers_Words extension
- php-pear-Image-GraphViz - Interface to AT&T's GraphViz tools
- php-pear-Log - Abstracted logging facility for PHP
- php-pear-MDB2 - Database Abstraction Layer
- php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql - MySQL MDB2 driver
- php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysqli - MySQL Improved MDB2 driver
- php-pear-Mail - Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails
- php-pear-Mail-Mime - Classes to create and decode mime messages
- php-pear-Math-Stats - Classes to calculate statistical parameters
- php-pear-Net-Curl - OO interface to PHP's cURL extension
- php-pear-Net-DIME - Implements Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME)
- php-pear-Net-FTP - Provides an OO interface to the PHP FTP functions plus some additions
- php-pear-Net-POP3 - Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server
- php-pear-Net-Ping - Execute ping
- php-pear-Net-SMTP - Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol
- php-pear-Net-Sieve - Communication with timsieved
- php-pear-Net-Socket - Network Socket Interface
- php-pear-Net-Traceroute - Execute traceroute
- php-pear-Net-URL - Easy parsing of URLs
- php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect - Extract information from an HTTP user agent
- php-pear-Numbers-Roman - Provides methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals
- php-pear-Numbers-Words - Methods for spelling numerals in words
- php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging - Create RPM spec files from PEAR modules
- php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer - PHP coding standards enforcement tool
- php-pear-PHP-Compat - Provides missing functionality for older versions of PHP
- php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo - Find out version and extensions required for a piece of code to run
- php-pear-PHPUnit - Regression testing framework for unit tests
- php-pear-Pager - Data paging class
- php-pear-Payment-Process - Unified payment processor
- php-pear-Phlickr - Phlickr is a PHP5 based api kit used with the Flickr API
- php-pear-PhpDocumentor - The complete documentation solution for PHP
- php-pear-PhpDocumentor-docs - Documentation for PhpDocumentor
- php-pear-SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Client/Server for PHP
- php-pear-Services-Weather - This class acts as an interface to various online weather-services
- php-pear-Structures-DataGrid - Tabular structure for converting data
- php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-Array - DataSource driver using arrays
- php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-DataObject - DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_DataObject
- php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-MDB2 - DataSource driver using PEAR::MDB2 and an SQL query
- php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-RSS - DataSource driver using RSS files
- php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Pager - Renderer driver using PEAR::Pager
- php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Smarty - Renderer driver using Smarty
- php-pear-Validate - Validation Class for Various Data Types
- php-pear-Validate-Finance-CreditCard - Validation class for Credit Cards
- php-pear-XML-Beautifier - Class to format XML documents
- php-pear-XML-Parser - XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat
- php-pear-XML-RSS - RSS parser
- php-pear-XML-Serializer - Swiss-army knife for reading and writing XML files
- php-pear-XML-Util - XML utility class
- php-pear-creole - A database abstraction layer for PHP5
- php-pecl-Fileinfo - Fileinfo is a PHP extension that wraps the libmagic library
- php-pecl-apc - APC caches and optimizes PHP intermediate code
- php-pecl-mailparse - PHP PECL package for parsing and working with email messages
- php-pecl-memcache - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
- php-pecl-phar - Allows running of complete applications out of .phar files
- php-pecl-radius - Radius client library
- php-pecl-xdebug - PECL package for debugging PHP scripts
- php-pgsql - A PostgreSQL database module for PHP
- php-shout - PHP module for communicating with Icecast servers
- php-snmp - A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed devices
- php-soap - A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
- php-spyc - A simple php yaml class
- php-tidy - Standard PHP module provides tidy library support
- php-xml - A module for PHP applications which use XML
- php-xmlrpc - A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
- phpMyAdmin - Web based MySQL browser written in php
- phpPgAdmin - Web-based PostgreSQL administration
- phpTodo - PHP todo list manager
- phpcs - Command-line utility for PHP-CodeSniffer
- phpdoc - Command-line utility for PhpDocumentor
- phpldapadmin - Web-based tool for managing LDAP servers
- physfs - Library to provide abstract access to various archives
- physfs-devel - Development libraries and headers for physfs
- piccolo - Small fast XML parser
- piccolo-javadoc - Javadoc for piccolo
- picocom - Minimal serial communications program
- pidgin - A Gtk+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
- pidgin-devel - Development headers and libraries for pidgin
- pidgin-guifications - Guifications Plugin for Pidgin
- pidgin-knotify - KNotify plugin for Pidgin
- pidgin-libnotify - Libnotify Pidgin plugin
- pidgin-otr - Off-The-Record Messaging plugin for Pidgin
- pidgin-perl - Perl scripting support for Pidgin
- pidgin-rhythmbox - Rhythmbox plugin for Pidgin
- pigment - Media Center Toolkit
- pigment-devel - Development libraries and include files for Pigment
- pikdev - IDE for development of PICmicro based application (under Linux/KDE)
- piklab - Development environment for applications based on PIC & dsPIC microcontrollers
- pikloops - Code generator for PIC delays
- pilot-link - File transfer utilities between Linux and PalmPilots
- pilot-link-devel - PalmPilot development header files
- pils - Provides a general plugin and interface loading library
- pinball - Emilia Pinball game
- pinball-devel - Development Headers and Libraries for Emilia Pinball
- pinentry - Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
- pinentry-gtk - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on GTK+
- pinentry-qt - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on Qt
- pinfo - An info file viewer
- pingus - Guide the penguins safely home before they drop of the cliff
- pinot - Personal search and metasearch for the Desktop
- pinot-deskbar - Pinot plugin for DeskbarApplet
- pipenightdreams - Connect the waterpipes to create a proper pipeline
- pipepanic - A pipe connecting game
- pirut - Package Installation, Removal and Update Tools
- pitivi - Non-linear video editor
- pixman - Pixel manipulation library
- pixman-devel - Pixel manipulation library development package
- pkgconfig - A tool for determining compilation options
- pl - SWI-Prolog - Edinburgh compatible Prolog compiler
- plague - Distributed build system for RPMs
- plague-builder - Builder daemon for Plague builder slaves
- plague-client - Package queueing client for the Plague build system
- plague-common - Common resources for the Plague build system
- plague-utils - Utility programs for the Plague build system
- planet - Flexible RDF/RSS/Atom feed aggregator
- planner - A graphical project management tool
- planner-devel - Libraries and include files for developing with planner
- planner-eds - Planner integration with evolution
- plexus-archiver - Plexus Archiver Component
- plexus-archiver-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-archiver
- plexus-compiler - Compiler call initiators for Plexus
- plexus-compiler-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-compiler
- plexus-container-default - Default Plexus Container
- plexus-container-default-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-container-default
- plexus-i18n - Plexus I18N Component
- plexus-i18n-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-i18n
- plexus-interactivity - Plexus Interactivity Handler Component
- plexus-interactivity-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-interactivity
- plexus-utils - Plexus Common Utilities
- plexus-utils-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-utils
- plexus-velocity - Plexus Velocity Component
- plexus-velocity-javadoc - Javadoc for plexus-velocity
- plib - Set of portable libraries especially useful for games
- plib-devel - Development files for plib
- plotmm - GTKmm plot widget for scientific applications
- plotmm-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use plotmm
- plotmm-examples - Plotmm sample applications
- plotutils - GNU vector and raster graphics utilities and libraries
- plotutils-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use plotutils
- plplot - Library of functions for making scientific plots
- plplot-devel - Development headers and libraries for PLplot
- plplot-gnome - Functions for scientific plotting with GNOME
- plplot-gnome-devel - Development files for using PLplot GNOME
- plplot-java - Functions for scientific plotting with Java
- plplot-java-devel - Development files for using PLplot GNOME
- plplot-libs - Libraries for PLplot
- plplot-octave - Functions for scientific plotting with Octave
- plplot-perl - Examples for using plplot with PDL
- plplot-tk - Functions for scientific plotting with Tk
- plplot-tk-devel - Development files for using PLplot with Tk
- plplot-wxGTK - Functions for scientific plotting with wxGTK
- plplot-wxGTK-devel - Development files for using PLplot with wxGTK
- pm-utils - Power management utilities and scripts for Fedora
- pmd - Scans Java source code and looks for potential problems
- pmd-javadoc - Javadoc for pmd
- pmd-manual - Manual for pmd
- pmount - Enable normal user mount
- pnm2ppa - Drivers for printing to HP PPA printers
- po4a - A tool maintaining translations anywhere
- poedit - GUI editor for GNU gettext .po files
- poker-bot - Poker playing robots for poker-server
- poker-client-lib - Poker network client library
- poker-engine - Python library that implements poker rules
- poker-engine-devel - Poker rule implementation library development files
- poker-eval - Poker hand evaluator library
- poker-eval-devel - Poker hand evaluator library development files
- poker-network - Base package for poker client and server
- poker-network-devel - Client library development files
- poker-network-selinux - SELinux policy files for the poker game server
- poker-server - Server for poker-network
- poker-web - Web interface to a poker-network server
- poker2d - GTK poker client to play on a poker-network server
- poker2d-common - Common files shared between poker clients
- poker2d-kde - KDE specific files for poker2d
- policycoreutils - SELinux policy core utilities
- policycoreutils-gui - SELinux configuration GUI
- policycoreutils-newrole - The newrole application for RBAC/MLS
- polyester - KDE style and window decoration
- polyxmass-bin - The GNU polyxmass software suite
- pop-before-smtp - Watch log for POP/IMAP auth, notify MTA to allow relay
- poppler - PDF rendering library
- poppler-devel - Libraries and headers for poppler
- poppler-qt - Qt wrapper for poppler
- poppler-qt-devel - Development files for Qt wrapper
- poppler-qt4 - Qt4 wrapper for poppler
- poppler-qt4-devel - Development files for Qt4 wrapper
- poppler-utils - Command line utilities for converting PDF files.
- popt - C library for parsing command line parameters
- popt-devel - Development files for the popt library
- popt-static - Static library for parsing command line parameters
- pork - Console based AIM client that looks like ircII
- portaudio - Free, cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library
- portaudio-devel - Development files for the portaudio audio I/O library
- poster - Scales PostScript images to span multiple pages
- postfix - Postfix Mail Transport Agent
- postfix-pflogsumm - A Log Summarizer/Analyzer for the Postfix MTA
- postgis - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
- postgis-jdbc - The JDBC driver for PostGIS
- postgis-utils - The utils for PostGIS
- postgresql - PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
- postgresql-contrib - Contributed source and binaries distributed with PostgreSQL
- postgresql-dbi-link - Partial implementation of the SQL/MED portion of the SQL:2003 specification
- postgresql-devel - PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
- postgresql-docs - Extra documentation for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-jdbc - JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-libs - The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients
- postgresql-odbc - PostgreSQL ODBC driver
- postgresql-pgpool - Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-pgpool-II - Pgpool is a connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-pgpool-II-devel - The development files for pgpool-II
- postgresql-pgpoolAdmin - PgpoolAdmin - web-based pgpool administration
- postgresql-plperl - The Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-plpython - The Python procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-pltcl - The Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-python - Development module for Python code to access a PostgreSQL DB
- postgresql-server - The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server
- postgresql-table_log - Log data changes in a PostgreSQL table
- postgresql-tcl - A Tcl client library for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-test - The test suite distributed with PostgreSQL
- postgresql_autodoc - PostgreSQL AutoDoc Utility
- postgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
- postr - Flickr uploader
- powerman - PowerMan - Power to the Cluster
- powermanga - Arcade 2D shoot-them-up game
- powertop - Power consumption monitor
- ppc64-utils - Linux/PPC64 specific utilities
- ppl - The Parma Polyhedra Library: a library of numerical abstractions
- ppl-devel - Development tools for the Parma Polyhedra Library C and C++ interfaces
- ppl-docs - Documentation for the Parma Polyhedra Library
- ppl-pwl - The Parma Watchdog Library: a C++ library for watchdog timers
- ppl-pwl-devel - Development tools for the Parma Watchdog Library
- ppl-pwl-static - Static archive for the Parma Watchdog Library
- ppl-static - Static archives for the Parma Polyhedra Library C and C++ interfaces
- ppl-swiprolog - The SWI-Prolog interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
- ppl-swiprolog-static - The static archive for the SWI-Prolog interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
- ppl-utils - Utilities using the Parma Polyhedra Library
- ppl-yap - The YAP Prolog interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
- ppl-yap-static - The static archive for the YAP Prolog interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
- ppp - The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon.
- ppracer - 3D racing game featuring Tux
- pptp - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
- prboom - Open source port of the DOOM game engine
- prcsys - Parallel rc with LSB dependency resolver
- prelink - An ELF prelinking utility
- prelude-lml - The prelude log analyzer
- prelude-lml-devel - Header files and libraries for libprelude development
- prelude-manager - Prelude-Manager
- prelude-manager-db-plugin - Database report plugin for Prelude IDS Manager
- prelude-manager-devel - Header files and libraries for prelude-manager development
- prelude-manager-xml-plugin - XML report plugin for Prelude IDS Manager
- presto-utils - Tools for creating presto repositories
- prewikka - Graphical front-end analysis console for the Prelude Hybrid IDS Framework
- printer-filters - Collection of filters for various printer drivers
- privoxy - Privoxy - privacy enhancing proxy
- procinfo - A tool for gathering and displaying system information.
- procmail - The procmail mail processing program
- procps - System and process monitoring utilities
- professor-is-missing - The Professor is Missing, an AGI adventure game
- proftpd - Flexible, stable and highly-configurable FTP server
- proftpd-ldap - Module to add LDAP support to the ProFTPD FTP server
- proftpd-mysql - Module to add MySQL support to the ProFTPD FTP server
- proftpd-postgresql - Module to add PostgreSQL support to the ProFTPD FTP server
- proj - Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- proj-devel - Development files for PROJ.4
- proj-nad - US and Canadian datum shift grids for PROJ.4
- proxychains - Provides proxy support to any application
- prozilla - Advanced Linux download manager
- prozilla-devel - Development libraries and headers for prozilla
- ps2eps - PS-to-EPS converter
- psacct - Utilities for monitoring process activities
- pscan - Limited problem scanner for C source files
- psgml - A GNU Emacs major mode for editing SGML documents.
- psi - Jabber client based on Qt
- psi-i18n - Language packs for Psi
- psi-icons - Additional icons for Psi
- psmisc - Utilities for managing processes on your system
- pstack - Display stack trace of a running process
- pstoedit - Translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats
- pstoedit-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use pstoedit
- psutils - PostScript Utilities
- pth - The GNU Portable Threads library
- pth-devel - Development headers and libraries for GNU Pth
- ptouch-driver - CUPS driver for Brother P-touch label printers
- pulseaudio - Improved Linux sound server
- pulseaudio-core-libs - Core libraries for the PulseAudio sound server.
- pulseaudio-esound-compat - PulseAudio EsounD daemon compatibility script
- pulseaudio-libs - Libraries for PulseAudio clients
- pulseaudio-libs-devel - Headers and libraries for PulseAudio client development
- pulseaudio-libs-glib2 - GLIB 2.x bindings for PulseAudio clients
- pulseaudio-libs-zeroconf - Zeroconf support for PulseAudio clients
- pulseaudio-module-gconf - GConf support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-lirc - LIRC support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-x11 - X11 support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-zeroconf - Zeroconf support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-utils - PulseAudio sound server utilities
- pungi - Distribution compose tool
- puppet - A network tool for managing many disparate systems
- puppet-server - Server for the puppet system management tool
- pure-ftpd - Lightweight, fast and secure FTP server
- pure-ftpd-selinux - SELinux support for Pure-FTPD
- puretls - Java implementation of SSLv3 and TLSv1
- puretls-demo - Demo for puretls
- puretls-javadoc - Javadoc for puretls
- purple-galago - Galago feed plugin for libpurple IM clients
- putty - SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client
- pv - A tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
- pvm - Libraries for distributed computing.
- pvm-gui - TCL/TK graphical frontend to monitor and manage a PVM cluster.
- pwgen - Automatic password generation
- pwlib - Portable Windows Libary
- pwlib-devel - Development package for pwlib
- pwsafe - A unix commandline program that manages encrypted password databases
- pyOpenSSL - Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
- pybackpack - User oriented backup and restore application
- pybliographer - Framework for working with bibliographic databases
- pybluez - Python API for the BlueZ bluetooth stack
- pycairo - Python bindings for the cairo library
- pycairo-devel - Libraries and headers for pycairo
- pychart - Python library for generating chart images
- pychart-doc - Documentation for using pychart in python programs
- pychecker - A python source code checking tool.
- pychess - Chess game for GNOME
- pyclutter - Python modules that allow you to use the Clutter toolkit
- pyclutter-devel - Pyclutter development environment
- pydict - English/Chinese Dictionary written with python/gtk
- pydot - Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
- pyflakes - A Lint-like tool for Python
- pyflowtools - An interface to OSU FlowTools
- pyfribidi - A Python binding for GNU FriBidi
- pygame - Python modules for writing games
- pygame-devel - Files needed for developing programs which use pygame
- pygobject2 - Python bindings for GObject
- pygobject2-devel - Development files for building add-on libraries
- pygobject2-doc - Documentation files for pygobject2
- pygoocanvas - GooCanvas python bindings
- pygpgme - Python module for working with OpenPGP messages
- pygsl - GNU Scientific Library Interface for python
- pygsl-devel - Development files for python-imaging
- pygtk2 - Python bindings for GTK+
- pygtk2-codegen - The code generation program for PyGTK
- pygtk2-devel - Development files for building add-on libraries
- pygtk2-libglade - A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK
- pygtkglext - Python bindings for GtkGLExt
- pygtkglext-devel - Development files for pygtkglext
- pygtksourceview - Python bindings for gtksourceview
- pygtksourceview-devel - Development files for using pygtksourceview in Python programs
- pyicq-t - ICQ Transport for Jabber Servers
- pyicq-t-mysql - MySQL backend for ICQ transport
- pykickstart - A python library for manipulating kickstart files
- pylibacl - POSIX.1e ACLs library wrapper for python
- pylint - Analyzes Python code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
- pylint-gui - Graphical Interface tool for Pylint
- pymsn - Python libraries for MSN Messenger network
- pyorbit - Python bindings for ORBit2.
- pyorbit-devel - Files needed to build wrappers for ORBit2 addon libraries.
- pypar2 - PyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the Linux par2 command line
- pyparsing - An object-oriented approach to text processing
- pyparted - Python module for GNU parted
- pypoker-eval - Python interface to poker-eval
- pypoker-eval-devel - Files needed for developing programs which use pypoker-eval
- pyscript - PyScript - Postscript graphics with Python
- pyserial - Python serial port access library
- pyspi - Python bindings for AT-SPI
- python - An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
- python-4Suite-XML - A collection of XML-related technologies for Python
- python-BeautifulSoup - HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping
- python-CDDB - CDDB and FreeDB audio CD track info access in Python
- python-Coherence - Python framework to participate in digital living networks
- python-GeoIP - Python bindings for the GeoIP geographical lookup libraries
- python-GnuPGInterface - A Python module to interface with GnuPG
- python-HTMLgen - A class library for the generation of HTML documents
- python-IPy - Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks
- python-TestGears - Unit testing for Python
- python-TurboMail - Multi-threaded mail queue manager for TurboGears applications
- python-adns - Python interface for the GNU adns library
- python-alsa - Python binding for the ALSA library
- python-alsaaudio - Python Alsa Bindings
- python-amara - A collection of Pythonic tools for XML data binding
- python-aqbanking - Python bindings for Aqbanking
- python-babel - Library for internationalizing Python applications
- python-basemap - Plots data on map projections (with continental and political boundaries)
- python-basemap-data - Data for python-basemap
- python-basemap-data-hires - High resolution map data for python-basemap
- python-basemap-examples - Example programs and data for python-basemap
- python-bibtex - Python extension to parse BibTeX files
- python-biopython - Python tools for computational molecular biology
- python-boto - A simple lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services
- python-brlapi - Python binding for BrlAPI.
- python-cheetah - Template engine and code-generator
- python-cherrypy - A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
- python-cherrytemplate - An easy and powerful templating module for Python
- python-chm - Python package for CHM files handling
- python-clearsilver - Python interface to the ClearSilver HTML templating system
- python-clientform - Python module for client-side HTML forms
- python-configobj - Config file reading, writing, and validation
- python-cpio - A Python module for accessing cpio archives
- python-crypto - Cryptography library for Python
- python-daap - DAAP client implemented in Python
- python-dateutil - Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
- python-decoratortools - Use class and function decorators -- even in Python 2.3
- python-devel - The libraries and header files needed for Python development.
- python-dialog - Python interface to the Unix dialog utility
- python-dns - DNS toolkit for Python
- python-docs - Documentation for the Python programming language.
- python-docutils - A system for processing plaintext documentation
- python-durus - A Python Object Database
- python-elixir - A declarative mapper for SQLAlchemy
- python-enchant - Python bindings for Enchant spellchecking library
- python-exif - Python module to extract EXIF information
- python-exo - Python tools for exo library
- python-eyed3 - Python module for processing ID3 tags
- python-fedora - Python modules for talking to Fedora Infrastructure Services
- python-fedora-infrastructure - Python modules for building Fedora Infrastructure Services
- python-feedparser - Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
- python-formencode - HTML form validation, generation, and convertion package
- python-fpconst - Python module for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values
- python-gammu - Python bindings for Gammu
- python-genshi - Toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web
- python-goopy - Google Python Utilities
- python-gpod - Python module to access iPod content
- python-html2text - Converts a page of HTML into clean, easy-to-read plain ASCII text
- python-imaging - Python's own image processing library
- python-imaging-devel - Development files for python-imaging
- python-imaging-sane - Python Module for using scanners
- python-imaging-tk - Tk interface for python-imaging
- python-iniparse - Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files
- python-inotify - Monitor filesystem events with Python under Linux
- python-inotify-examples - Examples for Python inotify module
- python-irclib - A set of Python modules for IRC support
- python-isprelink - Python module to determine if a file has been prelinked
- python-json - A JSON reader and writer for Python
- python-kaa-base - The Kaa Media - base package for python
- python-kaa-imlib2 - The Kaa Media - imlib2 binding for python
- python-kaa-metadata - The Kaa Media - metadata binding for python
- python-kid - Kid - A simple and pythonic XML template language
- python-kiwi - Framework for Python GUI applications
- python-kiwi-docs - Documentation related to python-kiwi
- python-kiwi-gazpacho - Gazpacho integration for kiwi
- python-krbV - Python extension module for Kerberos 5
- python-lcms - Python interface to LittleCMS
- python-ldap - An object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers.
- python-libs - The libraries for python runtime
- python-lirc - Linux Infrared Remote Control python module
- python-logilab-astng - Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation
- python-logilab-common - Common libraries for Logilab projects
- python-louie - Dispatches signals between Python objects in a wide variety of contexts
- python-lxml - ElementTree-like Python bindings for libxml2 and libxslt
- python-matplotlib - Python plotting library
- python-matplotlib-tk - Tk backend for python-matplotlib
- python-mecab - Python binding for MeCab
- python-mechanize - Stateful programmatic web browsing
- python-meld3 - An HTML/XML templating system for Python
- python-memcached - A Python memcached client library
- python-metar - Coded METAR weather reports parser for Python
- python-musicbrainz2 - Library which provides access to the MusicBrainz Database
- python-mutagen - Mutagen is a Python module to handle audio metadata
- python-myghty - A Python-based templating system derived from HTML::Mason
- python-nevow - Web application construction kit written in Python
- python-nltk - Natural Language Toolkit
- python-nltk_lite - Natural Language Toolkit
- python-nose - A discovery-based unittest extension for Python
- python-numarray - Python array manipulation and computational library
- python-numeric - Numerical Extension to Python
- python-obexftp - Python library to access devices via the OBEX protocol
- python-ogg - Python wrapper for the Ogg libraries
- python-ogg-devel - Development files for the Ogg libraries Python wrapper
- python-openid - Python OpenID libraries
- python-paramiko - A SSH2 protocol library for python
- python-paste - Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
- python-paste-deploy - Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
- python-paste-script - A pluggable command-line frontend
- python-pgsql - Enhanced python interface to PostgreSQL
- python-protocols - Open Protocols and Component Adaptation for Python
- python-psycopg - PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- python-psycopg2 - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- python-psycopg2-doc - Documentation for psycopg python PostgreSQL database adapter
- python-pyblock - Python modules for dealing with block devices
- python-pycurl - A Python interface to libcurl
- python-pydns - Python module for DNS (Domain Name Service)
- python-pygments - A syntax highlighting engine written in Python
- python-pyspf - Python module and programs for SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
- python-qpid - Python language client for AMQP
- python-quixote - A highly Pythonic Web application framework
- python-reportlab - Python PDF generation library
- python-reportlab-docs - Documentation files for python-reportlab
- python-rra - Python bindings to librra (part of SynCE)
- python-ruledispatch - A generic function package for Python
- python-setuptools - Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- python-setuptools-devel - Download, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- python-sexy - Python bindings to libsexy
- python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- python-simpletal - An XML based template processor for TAL, TALES and METAL specifications.
- python-simpy - Python simulation framework
- python-simpy-doc - Source code documentation for SimPy
- python-smbpasswd - Python SMB Password Hash Generator Module
- python-sqlalchemy - Modular and flexible ORM library for python
- python-sqlalchemy0.3 - Modular and flexible ORM library for python
- python-sqlite2 - DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite 3.x
- python-sqlobject - SQLObject -Object-Relational Manager, aka database wrapper
- python-tag - Python bindings for TagLib to read and write music files tags
- python-telepathy - Python libraries for Telepathy
- python-tgfastdata - Automatic user interface generation for TurboGears
- python-tools - A collection of development tools included with Python.
- python-tpg - A Python "toy parser generator"
- python-tunepimp - Python bindings for developing programs that will use libtunepimp
- python-turbocheetah - TurboGears plugin to support use of Cheetah templates
- python-turbojson - Python template plugin that supports json
- python-turbokid - Python template plugin that supports Kid templates
- python-twisted - Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications
- python-twisted-conch - Twisted SSHv2 implementation
- python-twisted-core - An asynchronous networking framework written in Python
- python-twisted-core-doc - Documentation for Twisted Core
- python-twisted-core-zsh - Tab completion for Zsh and Twisted Core
- python-twisted-lore - Twisted documentation system
- python-twisted-mail - A Twisted Mail library, server and client
- python-twisted-names - A Twisted DNS implementation
- python-twisted-news - Twisted News is an NNTP server and programming library
- python-twisted-runner - Twisted Runner process management library and inetd replacement
- python-twisted-web - Twisted web server, programmable in Python
- python-twisted-words - Twisted Words contains Instant Messaging implementations
- python-urlgrabber - A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
- python-urljr - A common interface to urllib2 and curl for making HTTP requests
- python-vcpx - Version Control Patch eXchanger
- python-virtinst - Python modules for starting Xen guest installations
- python-vobject - A python library for manipulating vCard and vCalendar files
- python-vorbis - Python wrapper for the Ogg Vorbis audio libraries
- python-xlib - X client library for Python
- python-xlib-doc - Documentation and examples for python-xlib
- python-xmpp - Python library for easy scripting with Jabber
- python-yadis - Relying party support for the Yadis service discovery protocol
- python-zope-interface - Zope interfaces package
- pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python
- pyxattr - Extended attributes library wrapper for Python
- pyxdg - Python library to access freedesktop.org standards
- pyxf86config - Python wrappers for libxf86config
- pyxmms - Python Interface to XMMS
- pyzor - Pyzor collaborative spam filtering system