Packages not in Groups

qstars - A screensaver simulating planets and asteroids in space

A screensaver which simulates planets, asteroids and ships in a moving
License:GPL+ Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: qstars


Name Version Release Type Size Built
qstars 0.4 3.fc6 x86_64 841 KiB Fri Oct 5 19:00:44 2007


* Tue Oct 2 18:00:00 2007 Ian Chapman <packages[AT]> 0.4-3
- Minor SPEC changes
- Removed gnome support, appears to be incompatible.
* Tue Oct 2 18:00:00 2007 Mamoru Tasaka <mtasaka{%}ioa{*}s{*}u-tokyo{*}ac{*}jp> 0.4-2
- Support xscreensaver, gnome-screensaver as wall as kxscreensaver
* Sat Sep 29 18:00:00 2007 Ian Chapman <packages[AT]> 0.4-1
- Initial release

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