Development Tools

pl - SWI-Prolog - Edinburgh compatible Prolog compiler

ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler including modules, autoload,
libraries, Garbage-collector, stack-expandor, C/C++-interface,
GNU-readline interface, very fast compiler.  Including packages clib
(Unix process control and sockets), cpp (C++ interface), sgml (reading
XML/SGML), sgml/RDF (reading RDF into triples) and XPCE (Graphics UI
toolkit, integrated editor (Emacs-clone) and source-level debugger).
License:LGPL Group:Development Tools
URL: Source: pl


Name Version Release Type Size Built
pl 5.6.35 1.fc6 x86_64 20.41 MiB Fri Jun 8 16:52:33 2007


* Fri Jun 8 18:00:00 2007 Gerard Milmeister <gemi{%}bluewin{*}ch> - 5.6.35-1
- new version 5.6.35
- add requires readline-devel
* Mon Apr 23 18:00:00 2007 Gerard Milmeister <gemi{%}bluewin{*}ch> - 5.6.34-1
- new version 5.6.34
* Fri Feb 23 17:00:00 2007 Gerard Milmeister <gemi{%}bluewin{*}ch> - 5.6.28-1
- new version 5.6.28

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)