Packages not in Groups

mdbtools-devel - Development files for mdbtools

The mdbtools-devel package contains libraries and header files for
developing applications that use mdbtools.
License:LGPLv2+ Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: mdbtools


Name Version Release Type Size Built
mdbtools-devel 0.6 0.3.cvs20051109.fc6 x86_64 60 KiB Sun Aug 19 02:28:20 2007


* Tue Aug 14 18:00:00 2007 Hans de Goede <j{*}w{*}r{*}degoede{%}hhs{*}nl> 0.6-0.3.cvs20051109
- Stop gmdb from crashing when selecting close without a file being open
  (bz 251419)
- Change release field from 0.x.pre1 to 0.x.cvs20051109, as that more acurately
  reflects our upstream base (bz 251419)
* Mon Aug 13 18:00:00 2007 Hans de Goede <j{*}w{*}r{*}degoede{%}hhs{*}nl> 0.6-0.2.pre1
- Stop gmdb from crashing when selecting file->properties without having a file
  loaded (bz 251419)
- Don't install headers used to build tools (install only those of libmdb)
- Add glib2-devel to the -devel Requires
* Mon Aug 13 18:00:00 2007 Hans de Goede <j{*}w{*}r{*}degoede{%}hhs{*}nl> 0.6-0.1.pre1
- There were lots of compile warnings, looking for a fix I found that upstream
  is dead, but that Debian has sort of continued as upstream based on the
  0.6pre1 release; Switching to Debian "upstream" release 0.6pre1 (20051109-4)

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