Re: [mu SETUP] Ethernet card

From: Michele Andreoli (
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 23:43:48 CEST

On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 03:51:48PM -0300, Renato wrote:
> Mio caro Michele,
> I'm very confused with the module rtl.gz you sent me.
> I tried to run unpack in directory /startup/modules then gunzip rtl.gz in the same directory and finally run repack.
> I didn't find any diference in the remaining files and the dificult in setting up my Realtek card is the same.
> I also tried to follow the procedures in "How can I personalize muLinux?" but I didn't find mu.
> Please, help me!
> Renato

Renato, try manually. Insert the module:

        insmod rtl ...

        cd /tmp/modules/preferred
        insmod rtl...

        ifconfig eth0 down
        ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} up
        route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK} eth0


Test with:

        # dmesg | less
        # ifconfig
        # ping


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 Would two negative ones do?"			-- Woody Allen
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