
python-bunch - Python dictionary with attribute-style access

License: MIT
Vendor: Fedora Project
python-bunch provides a python class which can perform as a dict whose keys are
also accessible as attributes, similar to JavaScript objects.  For instance::

  >>> import bunch
  >>> people = bunch.Bunch({'alice': 'here', 'bob': 'there'})
  >>> print people['alice'], people.alice
  here here

The piece of python-bunch that sets it apart from similar modules found inside
other projects is the bunchify() function which recursively converts from
a dict to a Bunch::

  >>> multi_level = {'array': ['scalar', {'mapping': 'to show recursion'} ]}
  >>> bunch.bunchify(multi_level)
  Bunch(array=['scalar', Bunch(mapping='to show recursion')])


python-bunch-1.0.1-1.fc17.src [11 KiB] Changelog by Toshio Kuratomi (2011-12-29):
- New upstream release that adds pyyaml and json serialization

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