Jump to letter: [
E -
Equational Theorem Prover
Generic Mapping Tools
GMT-coastlines -
Coastline data for GMT
HippoDraw -
Interactive and Python scriptable data analysis application
LabPlot -
Data Analysis and Visualization
Macaulay2 -
System for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
PyQuante -
Python Quantum Chemistry
PythonCAD -
Python scriptable CAD package
R -
A language for data analysis and graphics
R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 -
Caenorhabditis elegans genome (UCSC Release ce2)
R-BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.FlyBase.r51 -
Drosophila melanogaster genome (FlyBase r5.1)
R-Biobase -
Base functions for Bioconductor
R-BufferedMatrix -
A matrix data storage object method from bioconductor
Database interface module for R
R-GeneR -
R for genes and sequences analysis
R-IRanges -
Low-level containers for storing sets of integer ranges
R-RSQLite -
SQLite database interface for R
An interface to perform parallel computation on linear algebra problems using ScaLAPACK
R-RUnit -
R Unit test framework
R-affyio -
Tools for parsing Affymetrix data files
R-car -
Companion to Applied Regression package for R
R-hdf5 -
Interface to the NCSA HDF5 library
R-hgu95av2probe -
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95av2
R-lmtest -
Testing Linear Regression Models for R
R-mAr -
R module to evaluate functions for multivariate AutoRegressive analysis
R-multcomp -
Simultaneous inference for general linear hypotheses R Package
R-mvtnorm -
Multivariate normal and T distribution R Package
R-qtl -
Tools for analyzing QTL experiments
R-qvalue -
Q-value estimation for false discovery rate control
R-rlecuyer -
R interface to RNG with multiple streams
R-systemfit -
Simultaneous Equation Estimation R Package
R-waveslim -
R module, Basic wavelet routines for 1,2 and 3-dimensional signal processing
R-wavethresh -
R module, Software to perform wavelet statistics and transforms
R-zoo -
Z's ordered observations for irregular time series
SIBsim4 -
Align expressed RNA sequences on a DNA template
accrete -
Accrete is a physical simulation of solar system planet formation
alliance -
alt-ergo -
Alt-Ergo automatic theorem prover
archimedes -
2D Quantum Monte Carlo simulator for semiconductor devices
avarice -
Program for interfacing the Atmel JTAG ICE to GDB
avrdude -
Software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontroller
bc -
GNU's bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator)
bkchem -
Chemical drawing program
boinc-client -
The BOINC client core
calc -
Arbitrary precision arithmetic system and calculator
cddlib -
A library for generating all vertices in convex polyhedrons
cdo -
A program for manipulating GRIB/NetCDF/SERVICE/EXTRA files
chktex -
LaTex semantic checker
chntpw -
Change passwords in Windows SAM files
cloudy -
Spectral synthesis code to simulate conditions in interstellar matter
coq -
Coq proof management system
drawtiming -
A command line tool for generating timing diagrams
drgeo -
Interactive educational geometry software
drgeo-doc -
Html documentation for drgeo
ds9 -
Astronomical Data Visualization Application
dx -
Open source version of IBM's Visualization Data Explorer
electric -
Sophisticated Java based VLSI CAD System
elph -
Tool to find motifs in a set of DNA or protein sequences
esorex -
Recipe Execution Tool of the European Southern Observatory
extrema -
Extrema is a powerful visualization and data analysis tool
fet -
Open source free timetabling software
fityk -
Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
flint -
Fast Library for Number Theory
freefem++ -
PDE solving tool
freehdl -
GPLed free VHDL
funtools -
FITS library and utilities
g3data -
Program for extracting the data from scanned graphs
gabedit -
GUI for computational chemistry
galculator -
GTK 2 based scientific calculator
gcx -
Data-reduction tool for CCD photometry
gdl -
GNU Data Language
gds2pov -
GDS2 layout file to POV-Ray conversion
geda-docs -
Documentation for gEDA
geda-examples -
Circuit examples for gEDA
geda-gattrib -
Attribute editor for gEDA
geda-gnetlist -
Netlister for the gEDA project
geda-gschem -
Electronics schematics editor
geda-gsymcheck -
Symbol checker for electronics schematics editor
geda-symbols -
Electronic symbols for gEDA
geda-utils -
Several utilities for the gEDA project
genius -
An arbitrary precision integer and multiple precision floatingpoint calculator
genus2reduction -
Computes Reductions of Genus 2 Proper Smooth Curves
geomview -
Interactive 3D viewing program
geos -
GEOS is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite
gerbv -
Gerber file viewer from the gEDA toolkit
gfan -
Software for Computing Gröbner Fans and Tropical Varieties
ggobi -
Open source visualization for exploring high-dimensional data
glimmer -
System for finding genes in microbial DNA
gmp-ecm -
Elliptic Curve Method for Integer Factorization
gnome-chemistry-utils -
A set of chemical utilities
gnucap -
The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
gnuplot -
A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
gnuradio -
Software defined radio framework
gonvert -
Units conversion utility
gperiodic -
Program for browsing the periodic table
grace -
Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool
grads -
Tool for easy acces, manipulation, and visualization of data
grass -
GRASS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
grc -
GUI for Gnuradio
gresistor -
Gnome resistor color code calculator
gromacs -
GROMACS - Fast, Free and Flexible Molecular Dynamics
gsim85 -
An 8085 microprocessor simulator
gtkwave -
Waveform Viewer
gts -
GNU Triangulated Surface Library
gwave -
GPLed Analog Waveform Viewing Environment
harminv -
Program and library for solving the harmonic inversion problem
hmmer -
Profile HMM software for protein sequence analysis
iml -
Finds solutions to systems of linear equations over integers
irsim -
Switch-level simulator used even for VLSI
iverilog -
Icarus Verilog is a verilog compiler and simulator
jday -
A simple command to convert calendar dates to julian dates
jmol -
An open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D
kicad -
Electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork
kpolynome -
A polynome calculation program
kst -
A data viewing program for KDE
ktechlab -
Development and simulation of microcontrollers and electronic circuits
lagan -
Local, global, and multiple alignment of DNA sequences
linsmith -
A Smith charting program
lybniz -
A function graph plotter
magic -
A very capable VLSI layout tool
mapnik -
Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications
mathomatic -
Small, portable symbolic math program
maxima -
Symbolic Computation Program
messiggy -
Messiggy is a database of celestial objects
minisat2 -
A minimalistic, open-source SAT solver
mona -
A decision procedure for the WS1S and WS2S logics
mpfi -
An interval arithmetic library based on MPFR
munipack -
The C-Munipack is an astrophotometry software package
ncl -
NCAR Command Language and NCAR Graphics
nco -
Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files
ncview -
A visual browser for netCDF format files
netcdf -
Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form
netcdf-decoders -
Converts WMO GRIB products into NetCDF files
netgen -
LVS netlist comparison tool for VLSI
ngspice -
A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
nightfall -
Nightfall is an astronomy application for emulation of eclipsing stars
nxt_python -
Nxt_python is a package for controlling a LEGO NXT robot using python
octave -
A high-level language for numerical computations
octave-forge -
Contributed functions for octave
ogdi -
Open Geographic Datastore Interface
orpie -
A fullscreen console-based RPN calculator
osiv -
Open Source Image Velocimetry
palp -
A Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
paraview -
Parallel visualization application
pcb -
An interactive printed circuit board editor
perl-Verilog -
Verilog parsing routines
pharosc -
VLSI and ASIC Technology Standard Cell Libraries
picviz -
Parallel coordinates plotter
pipviewer -
Visualizer for multiple alignments of genomic sequences
plplot -
Library of functions for making scientific plots
polyxmass-bin -
The GNU polyxmass software suite
pp3 -
Creation of sky charts in Postscript or PDF format
proj -
Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
pspp -
A program for statistical analysis of sampled data
pygrace -
Python bindings for grace
pymol -
PyMOL Molecular Graphics System
python-ferari -
Optimizer for finite element code
python-fiat -
Generation of arbitrary order instances of the Lagrange elements
python-instant -
Python module for instant inlining of C and C++ code
qalculate-gtk -
A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
qalculate-kde -
A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
qcad -
Simple 2D CAD program
qd -
Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic
qgis -
A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System
qtgpsc -
A client for the gpsd GPS server
qtoctave -
Frontend for Octave
qucs -
Circuit simulator
radial -
A simple program for calculating radial velocities of stars in a binary system
rmap -
Rmap is a package that is able to generate images of the earth from a distance
roundup -
Simple and flexible issue-tracking system
scidavis -
Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization
scitools -
A Python library for scientific computing
screenruler -
GNOME screen ruler
scrip -
Spherical Coordinate Remapping and Interpolation Package (SCRIP)
sdcc -
Small Device C Compiler
seaview -
Graphical multiple sequence alignment editor
sextractor -
Extract catalogs of sources from astronomical images
siril -
Siril is an astronomical image processing software for Linux
sk2py -
Migrates Cadence Skill based PCells to Python PyCells
spacechart -
A 3D star-mapping program
speedcrunch -
A fast power user calculator for KDE
starplot -
3-dimensional perspective star map viewer
starplot-contrib -
Stellar data set for use by the StarPlot tool
starplot-gliese3 -
Stellar data set for use by the StarPlot tool
starplot-yale5 -
Stellar data set for use by the StarPlot tool
stp -
Constraint solver/decision procedure
swarp -
Tool that resamples and co-adds together FITS images
symmetrica -
A Collection of Routines for Solving Symmetric Groups
sympow -
Special Values of Symmetric Power Elliptic Curve L-Functions
tachyon -
Parallel / Multiprocessor Ray Tracing System
tcd-utils -
TCD (Tide Constituent Database) Utils
tex-zfuzz -
Type-checker and LaTeX style for Z spec language
tideEditor -
Editor for Tide Constituent Database (TCD) files
tkgate -
An event driven digital circuit simulator
toped -
VLSI IC Layout Editor
torch -
Torch is a simple machine-learning library
uisp -
Universal In-System Programmer for Atmel AVR and 8051
units -
A utility for converting amounts from one unit to another
vaspview -
VASP Data Viewer
vhd2vl -
VHDL to Verilog translator
vhybridize -
Virtual Hybridization command line tools
wcstools -
Software utilities to display and manipulate the WCS of a FITS image
weka -
Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis
wgrib -
Manipulate, inventory and decode GRIB files
wgrib2 -
Manipulate, inventory and decode GRIB2 files
why -
Why software verification platform
wise2 -
Tools for comparison of biopolymers
wvs-data -
World Vector Shoreline data
wxMaxima -
Graphical user interface for Maxima
xcircuit -
Electronic circuit schematic drawing program
xdrawchem -
2D chemical structures drawing tool
xpa -
The X Public Access messaging system
xtide -
Calculate tide all over the world
xvarstar -
Astronomical program used for searching GCVS
zenon -
Automated theorem prover for first-order classical logic