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TeXmacs -
Structured wysiwyg scientific text editor
Zim -
Desktop wiki & notekeeper
abiword -
The AbiWord word processor
apel -
A Portable Emacs Library
avogadro -
An advanced molecular editor for chemical purposes
bless -
High quality, full featured hex editor
chemtool -
A program for 2D drawing organic molecules
conglomerate -
Extensible XML Editor
cssed -
CSS editor and validator
cwrite -
A new text editor for the console
dc3dd -
Patched version of GNU dd for use in computer forensics
ddskk -
Daredevil SKK - Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program for Emacs
emacs -
GNU Emacs text editor
emacs-auctex -
Enhanced TeX modes for Emacs
emacs-common-ebib -
A BibTeX database manager that runs in Emacs and XEmacs
emacs-common-ess -
Emacs Speaks Statistics add-on package for Emacs
emacs-common-muse -
Emacs Muse is an authoring and publishing environment for Emacs
emacs-lua -
Lua major mode for GNU Emacs
emacs-magit -
Emacs interface to the most common Git operations
emacs-mmm -
Emacs minor mode allowing different major modes in the same file
emacs-nxml-mode -
Emacs package for editing XML
emacspeak -
Emacs Speech interface
flim -
Basic library for handling email messages for Emacs
flpsed -
WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor
frescobaldi -
Edit LilyPond sheet music with ease!
gedit -
Text editor for the GNOME desktop
gedit-latex-plugin -
Gedit plugin for composing and compiling LaTeX documents
gedit-plugins -
Plugins for gedit
gedit-vala -
Vala Toys for gEdit
ghex -
Binary editor for GNOME
hexedit -
A hexadecimal file viewer and editor
ht -
File editor/viewer/analyzer for executables
jed -
Fast, compact editor based on the S-Lang screen library
joe -
An easy to use, modeless text editor
kbibtex -
A BibTeX editor for KDE
kdewebdev -
Web development applications
ldapvi -
An interactive LDAP client
leafpad -
GTK+ based simple text editor
mfiler2 -
Two pane file manager under UNIX console
mfiler3 -
Two pane file manager under UNIX console
moe -
A powerful clean text editor
mousepad -
Mousepad - A simple text editor for Xfce
nano -
A small text editor
nedit -
A GUI text editor for systems with X
nled -
Nifty Little EDitor
psgml -
A GNU Emacs major mode for editing SGML documents.
pyroom -
PyRoom is a full screen text editor and a clone of Writeroom
scite -
SCIntilla based GTK2 text editor
scratchpad -
Spatial text editor for the GNOME desktop
scribes -
A sleek, simple, and powerful text editor for the GNOME desktop
scribes-templates -
Templates ("Snippets") for the Scribes text editor
shed -
Easy to use hex editor
textflow -
Text editor directed toward programmers
vbindiff -
Visual binary diff
vim -
The VIM editor
vim-perl-support -
Perl-IDE for VIM
vim-vimoutliner -
Script for building an outline editor on top of Vim
xemacs -
Different version of Emacs
xemacs-packages-base -
Base lisp packages for XEmacs
xemacs-packages-extra -
Collection of XEmacs lisp packages
xfbib -
Lightweight BibTeX editor for the Xfce desktop environment
xmlcopyeditor -
A fast, free, validating XML editor
xournal -
Xournal notetaking, sketching and PDF annotation
zile -
Zile Is Lossy Emacs