Linux IP Firewalling Chains

Linux IP Firewalling Chains is an update to (and hopefully an improvement upon) the normal Linux Firewalling code, for 2.0 and 2.1 kernels.

It's similar in design (being based on the same code) but there are many improvements and new features. You can read more about it in the HOWTO (or you can get the gzipped text (22k) or bzip2'd text (19k) formats).

Join the mailing list by sending a message containing the word "subscribe" to ipchains-request at To mail to the list use `ipchains' instead of `ipchains-request'.

The latest release is version 1.3.2, containing several minor bugfixes over 1.3.1.

Here's the shopping list:

  1. bzip2 source if you want to save bandwidth (thanks). Since kernel sources are now available in .bz2 format, getting this now will help you with them, too.
  2. The kernel patch for 2.1.99 (should be OK for most 2.1.x) in bzip2 (17k) or gzip (18k).
  3. The kernel patch for 2.0.33 (should be OK for most 2.0.3x) hasn't been updated yet, so keep using the 1.3.1 patch (no significant difference): bzip2 (17k) or gzip (18k).
  4. The userspace tools. Sorry, I upgraded to the 2.0 beta of Debian, which is glibc-based, so the binaries are glibc (ie. Debian 2.0 or Redhat 5). However, the source should compile fine under libc5. Here is the source in bzip2 (82k) and gzip (104k), and here are the pre-compiled glibc binaries in bzip2 (23k) and gzip (23k) formats.

IPChains in a Nutshell

Here are the pros and cons of the new implementation in a nutshell:

History of Changes

1.3.2 release

Changes Bug Fixes

1.3.1 release

Changes Bug Fixes

1.3.0 release

Changes Bug Fixes

1.2.2 release

Changes Bug Fixes

1.2.1 release

Bug Fixes

1.2 release


1.1.1 release

Changes Bug Fixes

1.1 release

Changes Bug Fixes

1.0.2 release


1.0.1 release

Changes Bug Fixes


[1] Except for suspicious packets.
[2] These packets were always blocked; now they are logged as well.
[3] This is a trivial mod to the old code anyway, thrown in here as a sweetener. 8-)
[4] Well, this is the theory. It'd be nice if people who actually have SMP boxes would test this for me.